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Hemophilia, along with color blindness, is a sex-linked recessive trait. Hemophilia is when a person lacks a clotting factor in the blood. This results in the decreased ability to have blood clots. This can be dangerous because a person may internally or externally bleed to death. People with hemophilia must take clotting factors (by needle injection) frequently throughout their lives in order to live. As it is to be known, mothers are the carriers of these kind of traits. If a mother has the hemophilia trait, that means that her son will have hemophilia.

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Q: Is hemophilia a sex-limited or a sex-influenced trait?
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Is hemophilia a dominantrecessiv or a sex linked trait?

Sexlinked and recessive.

Why is hemophilia considered to be a sex trait?

It is carried on the X chromosome.

What type of trait is hemophilia?

recessive sex-linked, X chromosome disorders, haemophilia is more likely to occur in males than females.

If both parents are carriers what will the child be?

When a recessive trait is inherited from both parents, it will be expressed. If the trait is hemophilia, the child will be a hemophiliac.

Can people with hemophilia have children?

Yes, there is nothing stopping a person with hemophilia from having children. There are several concerns a person with hemophilia should be aware of though when the time comes to have children. The first, and most obvious would be the chance for blood loss and uncontrolled bleeding during the birthing process if the mother is the one with hemophilia. While this is something to be aware of, it is also something that can be easily prepared for and overcome. In this situation, the chances of having sons and daughter who inherit the traits for hemophilia is very likely. If the mother had the genes for hemophilia on both X chromosomes, all of her children will inherit the trait (daughters may or may not be symptomatic while all sons will be). If the mother only had the trait on one of her two X chromosomes, then there is a 50% each child born would receive the trait. Since the trait for hemophilia is located on the X chromosome, and males have only one of these X chromosomes, all daughters of a male with hemophilia will receive the genes for hemophilia from him while any sons he has will not receive the gene.

How does a person inherit hemophilia and is it dominant or recessive?

It is a sex-linked recessive trait inherited from the mother.

Is hemophilia recessive or dominant?

Hemophilia ia a sex linked disorder that is normally recessive. There are many cases however where trait shows "incomplete or shared" dominance. In these cases the females will have lowered percentages of the clotting factor proteins and may for all intents and purposes be considered mild or moderate hemophiliacs themselves.

Is hemophilia a disorder?

The clinical answer would be yes, however there are many exceptions to the rule in the case of hemophilia. The trait for hemophilia is carried on the X chromosome and is often recessive. This being the case, since females have 2 X chromosomes, there is typically a dominant gene on their other X that corrects the disorder if one X carries the trait for hemophilia. Males, having only one X chromosome (paired with a Y chromosome) an only express the traits on the one X that they have. This being the case, a male with the trait for hemophilia on his X chromosome must be affected by it. In more recent years it has become understood that the trait for hemophilia is not as recessive as once thought. In many females the trait has shown incomplete or shared dominance with the otherwise normal gene. This often results in the female having low clotting factor levels and actually being considered a mild or moderate hemophiliac.

What are the chances of getting hemophilia?

You can get it from your mom if she has the trait but that only apply to men, if your a girl you have to inherited it from your mother and father.