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Is it bad if your heart is beating fast when I am laying in bed

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Q: Is it bad if your heart is beating too fast?
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What does exercise have to do with your heart?

It has to do with your heart because when you exercise, your heart beats faster every time and it tells when you're working hard or not. When your heart beats too fast, it means you are working too hard and you might have to take a break. But if your heart isn't beating to fast, then it means you're not working that hard. If your heart is beating not too hard or not too slow, then you would be in good shape. Sometimes when you work too hard, your heart may have some problems and start having some kind of stroke or something.

What does it mean to have heart palpitation symptoms?

Heart palpitations are usually symptoms of a disorder or disease. When a person experiences heart palpitations, they may feel like their heart is beating too slow, too fast, or the heart may feel as if it is "skipping a beat". Heart palpitations may be symptoms of heart attack, cardiac arrest, or even seizures.

What happens when the heart beats too fast?

When the heart beats too fast, blood no longer circulates effectively in the body.

What is the difference between a heart attack and a heart failure?

Heart attacks are quick spasmodic beating that either causes heart failure or the blood to be moving too fast thus not transporting O2 and causing death. Heart failure is the heart simply not working. That can be caused by heart attacks or any form of death.

What is too high for 20 year old male exercising heart rate?

It depends on your age, as it depicts how fast your heart can beat at it's maximum. This number is usually around 180+, depending on how old you are. if your heart is beating over that, then you are putting a major strain on your heart.

How tachycardia cause loss of consciousness?

Tachycardia is a fast heart beat, which is greater than 100 beats per minute in an adult. When the heart rate is only slightly elevated, it does not cause any major problems. However when it is beating extremely fast (greater than 150 beats per minute in an adult), it can result in loss of consciousness. This is because if the heart is beating too fast, it does not have time to fill up with blood in between heart beats, so a heart that is beating that quickly is actually pumping out less blood than one that is beating at a normal rate. When the heart is pumping out less blood, not enough blood gets to the brain, and therefore not enough oxygen to the brain, since oxygen is carried in the blood. This is what causes loss of consciousness in extreme tachycardia. This is potentially a life threatening emergency, and needs to be treated in a hospital immediately.

What is the term for heartbeats that occur outside the normal rhythm?

Arrhythmia means your heartbeat is irregular. It doesn't necessarily mean your heart is beating too fast or too slow. It just means it's out of its normal rhythm.It may feel like your heart skipped a beat, added a beat, is "fluttering," or is beating too fast (which doctors call tachycardia) or too slow (called bradycardia). Or, you might not notice anything, since some arrhythmias are silent. Arrhythmias can be an emergency, or they may be harmless.

How do you get heart burns?

Eat too fast

Is eating too fast bad for you?

you are stupid

What is tacicardia?

Tachycardia is an increased heart rate. This rate varies depending on age and sex.

Are treadmills safe for people that have mild heart problems?

Treadmills are safe for people with mild heart conditions so long as those people don't exert themselves to much. Just keep tabs on how fast your heart is beating and if it starts speeding up too much then slow down the treadmill or take a break.

What is panchabyadhi?

I'm guessing you mean tachy-brady which is short for tachycardia (fast heart rates) and bradycardia (slow heart rates). It is a condition where the heart goes back and forth between too fast and too slow (so not one medicine or combination can treat both). It is usually treated with a pacemaker to support the heart when going too slow and then a medicine to control the fast heart rates.