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I wouldn't care to bring home flowers from a funeral, but that's only a personal preference.

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Q: Is it bad to omen to bring home flowers from a funeral?
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What happens if right eye brow blinks?

Nothing happens. As per Hindu mythology that was a sign of good omen for men and bad for women. Reverse was true for left eye brow.

What is the reason for right eye blinking?

The reasons are same for both the eyes. Hindu scriptures (Ramayana) mentions that blinking of right eye is good omen for the men and bad omen for women. Vise verse was true for women. This is unscientific concept.

What does moth symbolize?

After an exhaustive search of my library I find no mention anywhere of any reference to moth as an omen or symbol of any kind. I will continue to look. Found this The moth is a symbol of sensitivity and impulsiveness, in dreams it can mean impending danger, and has traditionally been associated with psychic powers and their development.And of course like butterflies, they represent transformation.Apparently they're an omen of death in some cultures too. In Tassograph - Moth - Dangerous attraction leading to unhappiness.The moth traditionally is associated with the following symbolism: Vulnerability Determination Concealment Attraction Subtlety Intuition Faith

What does it mean if you see a orange and black butterfly?

Orange butterflies symbolize New life Yellow butterflies symbolize remembrance of a lost love one Black butterflies are a symbol of a bad omen But if a butterfly lands on you it's good luck and you should make a wish :)

How does geographic isolation contribute to the evolution of a new species?

the answer is in page 497 starts where it says over several and ends where it says isolated population... Here is the answer more specific..... It contributes because isolated groups may experience different environments then other species somewhere else where so they will have to adapt to there environment to survive..for example if you put a bird on one island and a bird on another island farther away with a different environment they are both gonna adapt to there environment and become 2 different species Good answer but i think mine might be a little more informational. Also i got this answer in the McGraw Hill Glencoe life science book on page 159 bottom left. Geographic Isolation contributes to evolution because many gene mutations occur. A species has already adapted to that cold environment so that they will change. This will cause the organism to not be able to mate with any other of their old species. This also adds variations to populations. The Key deer, for example, evolved because of geographic evolution 4,000-6,000 years ago. Now the key deer will only be able to mate with other deer that went through the same mutations in geographic evolution.

Related questions

What omen does a dead dove bring?

death i think

What is a sentence with the word omen?

The Aztecs believed the eclipse was an omen.There is no scientific proof than an omen is real.The omen is purely psychological. Studies show that if you believe an omen will bring you bad luck, you will have bad luck because you mentally anticipated it.

Omen of a dragonfly?

Dragonfly Good events at/in home, good news.

Is it good luck if bat bird enters home according to Hindu?

It depends with the type of bird entering the Hindu home. A dove entering a Hindu home is usually considered good omen whereas an owl is usually considered a bad omen.

What does seeing a dragonfly signify as an omen?

Some people believe that seeing a red dragonfly is an omen. They believe that it means a transformation of some type is about to occur.

Is it good omen if bees come and make hive in your house?

In few customs like Thai and Japanese it is considered to be a good omen. But, in few societies it is not considered as a good omen. For further reading visit the related links.

Is it a good omen to have a honeybee hive in your house?

Having a honeybee hive in your house is generally not considered a good omen. It can pose risks to your health and property due to potential stings, damage, and attracting more pests. It's best to contact a professional beekeeper or pest control service to safely remove the hive.

Right eye blinking does it bring good luck as per Indian Astrology?

For women:The blinking of left eye indicates good omen and the blinking of right eye indicates bad omenFor men:The blinking of left eye indicates bad omen and the blinking of right eye indicates good omen.

How many movies of The Omen have there been made?

There have been at least five Omen films. The Omen(1976), Damien: Omen II (1978), Omen III: The Final Conflict (1981), Omen IV: The Awakening (1991) (TV) and The Omen (2006), which is a remake of the first movie.

What is the German word for omen?


Do you say were an omen or was an omen?

It depends on context. "The meteors were an omen of pending disaster" or "the patrol's appearance was an omen of more to come" are both acceptable.

What are adjectives for a omen?

Ominous: [Latin, ominosus < Omen] Of or being an omen, esp. an evil one. So, yes, ominous is the adjective form of omen.