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all plants need water....depending on where you live and the weather it might be useful to look up specific info on the type of trees your talking about to see if you might need to increase or decrease the amount of water to give it.

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If you can get a credit card with a very low interest rate, this is a great way to help your credit score. Be sure to keep the remaining balance very high and try to pay off your entire balance quickly.

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Q: Is it good to water your trees during the winter?
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After you plant them watering sometimes helps during the first few days of them growing. Unless they start to die right away then i doesnt do any good. After they grow full size you never need to water again. I never water trees even when they're just planted tho

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no tehya can't sing

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an open Field with some boulders trees or if none find place with snow hills in winter

How does the pine tree survive in the winter?

Pines, like any other coniferous and deciduous tree, go into dormancy during the winter, storing all their nutrients within their trunks and roots. They keep their leaves (called needles) during the winter, unlike deciduous trees, because they don't have as large a surface area as leaves do that would make them freeze and die in very cold temperatures.

Do pine trees roots press water pipes?

Not if the pipes are in good condition.