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Q: Is it okay if you put peroxide on a cut on your vagina?
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Can you put Neosporin bulldogs on a deep cut?

If your bulldog has an open cut, then peroxide and Neosporin will do the trick.

Does hydrogen peroxide help disinfect a deep cut?

You are never to put hydrogen peroxide on a deep cut or wound, as it could possibly damage tissue and cause loss of sensation.

Is hydrogen peroxide okay to put on puppies?

Why use it? If there are wounds it won't do much but if there is no point in doing so, DON'T do it.

What is a way to heal a cut really fast?

Put Peroxide ona band-aid and or Neosporin and simply just put it on.

What do you do when you cut your toe open on a sprinkler?

1st you want to put peroxide on the wound 2nd put Neosporin and a bandied and woo-la fixed

How do you disifect a cut?

You can disinfect a cut by pouring hydrogen peroxide on it and doing this until it stops bubbling. Wash with soap and water. Put a band aid over the cut. Try not to touch it.

What are some vagina replacments?

You can cut a phallus sized hole in any pumpkin or melon. If you put it in the microwave for several minutes it will basically be a functioning vagina.

What should you do if you get a cut?

1. Wash hands 2. Clean cut with peroxide or other cleaner 3. Get band aid 4. Put neosporian on band aid 5. Put band aid on cut 6. Drink a glass of milk

What happens to hydrogen peroxide when it is put on a cut?

Peroxide is actually not what does the healing. When you put Hydrogen Peroxide (chemical formula: H2O2) on your wound, it is separated into water and oxygen by the enzyme catalase. The catalase ONLY targets the hydrogen peroxide, and some of the bacteria is forced out with the oxygen (visually seen as the fizzing). THE TRUTH: Peroxide actually doesn't do much for you at all. To get a decent effect, get 4-6 cotton swabs, and wet them with water THEN Peroxide. the water will act as a mode of "transportation" for the bacteria to get out of the cut. This will slightly increase the effectiveness of a SINGLE cotton swab... which is still not much! (Thus the hole "4-6 cottonswabs" comment)

What kind of care need to take before and after vagina licking?

Be clean and you can also use a cut up condom or something as protection to put over the vagina.

What is the diseases of lick vagina?

Every STD is contagious via oral sex so if she has something you need to put some protection, a cut up condom or something, over the vagina.

Why is water leaking out of your cut?

It is not water it is puss so just put some peroxide on it or band-aid brand stuff and it will be fine and will hopfuly stop leaking it.