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Diffusions occurs in everything where there is no dynamic equillibriam. If you dump some salt into a glass of water, the salt will diffuse into the water because the NaCl- is a charged particle. It will break into individual molecules on Na: sodium, and Cl chlorine. Anyway, diffusion occurs wherever there is a solvent and a solute if there is less solute than solvent. I hope this answers your question. If you want further explantions, just ask.

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In living systems, like us the human race,diffusion is when carbon dioxide and oxygen diffuse through alveoli.

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Diffusion is one of the processes of transferring materials within the cells of living organisms. An example of diffusion is the exchange of gases in the lungs.

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Q: Is it true that diffusion occurs only in living systems?
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Why diffusion of gases occurs in the alveolar region only?

bcz it is thin nd semipermable

How is osmosis a special kind of diffusion?

Osmosis is the diffusion of water only. Osmosis occurs when water moves across a membrane in order to create an equilibrium.

Which type of epithelial tissue is used in areas where diffusion is a main function?

Diffusion occurs across simple epithelial tissue. These are only one layer.

Does gas exchange occurs by osmosis?

No. Osmosis refers to the movement of water only. Gases move by diffusion.

Is diffusion only needed by animal cells?

No every living thing needs to attain homeostasis.

Are Contagious diffusion relocation diffusion expansion diffusion stimulus diffusion hierarchical diffusion similar?

They are all similar in the sense that they all relate to the spread of cultural traits like ideas, clothing, food, and language, but they all differ in respect to how the diffusion comes about. To pull from my notes, relocation diffusion is diffusion that occurs when people from any given culture migrate to a place with a different culture. Contagious diffusion is diffusion that occurs when something spreads to other places around it and affects almost everyone in its reach. Hierarchical diffusion is diffusion that occurs when people from a high class or social status begin a trend that spreads to the lower classes. Stimulus diffusion is diffusion that spreads to other cultures and adapts the diffused traits to better fit with the new culture (it is only the basic idea that spreads). If you need examples, let me know. So, TL;DR: Yes, they are similar, but they have distinct differences.

Does respiration and photosynthesis both occur in all living things?

Respiration occurs in all living things, but photosynthesis only occurs in heterotrophic plants. (not all plants)

Differences between diffusion and active transport?

Diffusion occurs only due to the concentration gradient i.e. slovent move from its high concentration to low concentration side, where as active transport also take use of energy mostly in the form of ATP in living beings and can occur against concentration gradient.

How does diffusion occur most rapidly- with or against the concentration gradient?

Diffusion only occurs down a concentration gradient. Put a drop of food coloring in a glass of water - you will never see the food coloring spontaneously concentrate. It will always spread down the gradient.

Osmosis is a specific form of?

Osmosis is a very specific type of diffusion. Osmosis is defined as the movement of water from higher concentration to lower concentration. This type of diffusion is unique as it only really involves water movement which occurs through a membrane that is considered semi-permable.

What is required in all living things in order for gas exchange to occur?

In any living organism that needs to breath, the only thing consistently required for life is the presence of moist membranes. The movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide across the membranes between the environment and the respiratory surface occurs by diffusion. Respiratory surfaces are generally thin and, since living animal cells must be wet in order to maintain their plasma membranes, these respiratory surfaces must be moist.

What is the difference between diffusion and us-moss?

osmosses is diffusion of water only