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we need two plants, as the male and female plants are different.

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You only need one egg and pollen.

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about 6

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Q: Is one squash plant enough to produce or do you need two for pollination?
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Why did'nt my zuchinni plant produce any zuchinni?

There are a lot of possible reasons: the plant did not get mature enough to produce female flowers; or there was insufficient pollination of the female flowers; or there was a pest which ate the new zucchinis, etc.

What is a plant reproducing sexually?

To me, the pollen grain of the male plant will pollinate to the stigma [either by self or cross pollination] to produce FRUIT.

What parts or the plant are involved in pollination?

What parts of the plant are invovled with pollination?

Why does the female squash flowers drop off before mature?

The female flower on a squash plant produces the squash when mature but will need pollination by a male flower. This can be done by transfering pollen from the anther of the male flower to the stigma of the female flower. Either an insect or person can do this.

What is the transfer of pollen from an anther of one plant to the stigma of another plant called?

This transferring process is called pollination.

What is the difference between pollination and fertilisation?

without fertilization the plant will not grow to it's full extent, without pollination the plant will not produce any fruit/ veggies.

What is the definition of flower pollination?

Pollination is a sticky thing on the plant. Animals drink that from the plant that reproduces the plant

What transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma?

yes, but it is the anther to the stigma of a different plant self pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same plant

What is pollination of plant?

Self-pollination of a plant is where a plant's pollen (from the anthers) lands on the same plant's stigma, causing it to pollinate itself. This is contrasted with cross-pollination which is where one plant's pollen lands on another plant's stigma. Plants often do specific things to avoid self-pollination if they can.

Where do pollination is taking place?

self -pollination occurs within the same flower or same plant

What part of the plant is squash?

Squash grows from the flower of the plant.

Why is pollination important to all humans and animals?

Agriculture is highly dependent on plant pollination in order to produce the food we eat. Without adequate pollination less food (if any) will be produced, which means less food to feed more hungry mouths.