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Q: Is the formation of ATP an endergonic reaction?
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Exergonic reaction

How does ATP couple exergonic and endergonic reactions?

Energy is usually released from the ATP molecule to do work in the cell by a reaction that removes one of the phosphate- oxygen groups, leaving adenosine disphosphate (ADP). When the ATP converts to ADP, the ATP is said to be spent. Then the ADP is usually immediately recycled in mitochondria where it is recharged and comes out again as ATP.

What is the fate of the phosphate group that is removed when the ATP is converted to ADP?

It is acquired by a reactant in an endergonic reaction.

What is the fate of the phosphate group that is removed when ATP is converted to ADP?

It is acquired by a reactant in an endergonic reaction

What step in glycolysis involves an endergonic reaction?

Steps 1 and 3, where ATP is being used!

What is a classic coupled reaction?

A classic coupled reaction is the hydrolysis of ATP, where energy released from the break down of ATP is used to drive an endergonic reaction. This coupling of reactions is common in many cellular processes, where the energy released from one reaction is utilized to power another reaction.

Is the pathway b-c is coupled with ADP-atp catagorize the reactions as endergonic or exergonic?

ADP-ATP is endergonic and B-C is exergonic

What is the differences between exothermic reaction and endergonic reaction?

exothermic reaction releases energy and endergonic reaction absorbs energy

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