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Other names for the cheekbone are:-

zygomatic bone, mala, malar bone, jugal bone, OS zygomaticum.

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Q: Is there another name for your cheekbones?
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Related questions

What is the scientific name for the cheekbones?

The scientific name for cheekbones is zygomatic bones.

Is the cheekbone proximal to the nose?

Since it is in about the same plane as your cheekbones it can not be considered to be superficial. But the nose is medial to the cheekbones and the cheekbones are lateral to the nose.

What race of people have high cheekbones?

race of people with high cheekbones continued actress Michele pfifer very high cheekbones..German heritage.

Why do people like Tori's cheekbones?

I have no idea cause even kesha likes her cheekbones!!!!

Does Vanessa Hudgens have high cheekbones?

Vanessa has extreeeemely high cheekbones!!! omigod, i am sooo jealous.

What do high cheekbones symbolize?

In many cultures, prominent cheekbones are a beautiful feature because they form a symmetrical and elevated facial shape. However, there are differences in the shape of the cheeks: high cheekbones are characteristic of Central and Eastern Europeans, and Asian women do show a wider jawline. In addition, high cheekbones are associated with youth, while shallow cheekbones represent the aging effects of gravity. Youth and fertility are the main health factors that men unconsciously seek in their partners. It is not surprising, therefore, that high cheekbones are a universal symbol of beauty. And while many girls today may feel that their cheekbones are too high and too prominent, this is really a case of you not combining high cheekbones with the right makeup and hairstyle. With the right combination, high cheekbones will glow with a unique charm that is all it is own.

Is the nose medial to the cheekbones?

Yes, the nose is medial to the cheekbones. The nose is toward the midline as compared to the cheekbones. Lateral is away from midline (opposite of medial.)

Does smiling hurt?

Sometimes. If you smile alot, maybe your cheekbones may hurt for a while. Also, when your cheekbones hurt from smiling, smiling does not hurt.

Why do i look fat when i smile?

you have huge cheekbones thats why

What are Indian's unique physical characteristics?

High cheekbones?

What are cheekbones useful for?

Cheekbones serve several purposes. Namely, they provide a connection point between the rest of the face and the mandible. Also, they give structure to the shape of the face.

Are high cheekbones a trait of french people?

High cheekbones are not exclusive to French people. Cheekbone structure is determined by genetics and can be found in people of various ethnicities. French people, like individuals from other populations, may have a variety of facial features, including high cheekbones.