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Leaves are designed to last only a short time so a secondary xylem and phloem supply is not needed. These chemicals offer a strong support system that is not needed in the leaves, just the trees.

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Q: Leaves dont have secondary xylem and phloem why not?
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What is the vasculuar tissue that transports water and minerals through a plant?

Xylem transports water up to the leaves.Water:Is absorbed from the soil through root hair cellsIs transported through the xylem vessels up the stem to the leaves.Evaporates from the leaves (transpiration)But the phloem transports nutrients to the leaves.

How are stems adapted for transporting food and water?

Stems have xylem tissue that conducts water from the soil to the leaves. they also have phloem tissue that conducts dissolved food from the leaves to the rest of the plant body

What characterizes a bryophyte?

Bryophytes are the simplest of plants . They are non-vascular plants that include mosses, liverworts, & hornworts.

How many types of elements made xylem and phloem?

seive tubes mesenchyme cells and one more dont know

How are seed plants different from nonvascular plants?

Nonvascular plants dont have xylem and phloem, whereas seed plants have vascular bundles

What does water move up to the leaves?

Transpiration pull causes water to travel up the xylem from the roots. If you goole this it will help =]

How is the shape of xylem and phloem cells are related to their functions in plant?

i dont know!! if i knew why would i type the question n waste my time. if u do know plz. tell me.lloolll

Do phloem cells contain chloroplasts?

no they dont

What do plants have instead of a cardiovascular system?

Like animals, some plants do possess a vascular system that helps in transporting water and minerals from the soil to all parts of the plant and synthesized carbohydrates from leaves to all parts of the plant. These plants are called as vascular plants. The vascular plants bear two special types of tissues that are xylem tissues and phloem tissues that help in transportation within the plant.metabolism systems

Why would you find xylem cells in a tree's bark?

you dont

Why are non vascular plants small?

because they dont have xylom and phloem

How does water get to the leaves for photosynthesis to occur?

Water is transported upwards from the roots by a process called osmosis. This occurs in a layer of tissue called xylem consisting of elongated cells joined end to end. Xylem extends from the root all the way to the veins of a leaf. Downward transport of photosynthates and other substances such as hormones is achieved by a layer of tissue generally outside the xylem called the phloem. The order myrtales is an exception and has two layers of phloem both inside and outside the xylem.