

List two types of gene mutations?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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Two types of gene mutations are chromosomal and point mutation. Chromosomal mutation alters a cell's chromosomes, while point mutation replaces single-base pair nucleotides with other nucleotides found in RNA or DNA.

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13y ago

come on ppl i really need this question =[ come on ppl i really need this question =[

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12y ago

Two types of gene mutation are point mutation and frame shift.

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13y ago

Nonsense, Missense, Insertion, Deletion.

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Q: List two types of gene mutations?
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What are 3 types of mutation?

Three types of gene mutations are substitution, insertion, and deletion. Another gene mutation would be frame shift. All these mutations can cause deformities of the gene.

What two types of chromosomal mutations?

Two are insertion mutations and deletion mutations.

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Gene and chromosomal; both change DNA sequence that affects genetic information. Gene mutations involve a change in one ore several nucleotides in a single gene, whereas chromosomal mutations involve changes in the number or structure of whole chromosomes

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Gene shuffling means the genetic recombination and mutations of a gene pool of a species where genetic recombination is the mixture of parent alleles that are passed on and the mutations are the random changes in an organisms DNA that are passed on.

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The mutations that confer a selective growth advantage to the tumor cell are called “driver” mutations. It has been estimated. A driver gene is one that contains driver gene mutations. But driver genes may also contain passenger gene mutations A typical tumor contains two to eight of these "driver gene" mutations; the remaining mutations are passengers that confer no selective growth advantage.

Is it true that only mutations in gametes can be passed from parent to offspring?

Gametic mutations occur in the cells of the gonads (which produce sperm and eggs) and may be inherited. There are two types of mutations that can occur in gamete cells: 1. Gene Mutations 2. Chromosomal Mutations

Would all mutations to DNA happen to a gene?

all mutations in terms of DNA happen in a gene. here it has to be noted that a gene is made up of two strands of nucleotides which are made up of amino acids. when mutations occur the sequence of nucleotides may change. sometimes a nucleotide may become missing hence the sequence of the strands change. mutations can be harmful but also very beneficial.

What are the two types of mutations in gamete cells?

Deletion or Insertion

What are two sources of genetic variation?

Natural and Artificial Selection

Name two major types of mutations?

Frameshift mutations and Point mutations. The difference between the two are that point mutations occur at a single point in the DNA sequence and frameshift mutations shift the "reading frame" of the genetic message.

What also contributes to genetic variation?

The two main sources of genetic variation are gene shuffling and mutations. A mutation is a process wherein the structure of a gene is altered.