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Species with very similar DNA will have similar structures, enzymes, and appearance.

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Q: Many phylogenetic trees are based on DNA sequence similarities What is the practical result of this similarity?
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An ancestor-descendent line; the sequence of ancestral taxa leading from some point in the ancestry through time to a specific taxon. For example, our complete phylogenetic line would include all taxa that are in the ancestry of both apes and humans as well as all taxa ancestral to modern humans from the time the human line split from the ape line.

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BLAST is a program that finds similar protein or nucleotide sequences to your target sequence. The 'S' score is a measure of the similarity of the query to the sequence shown. The E−value is a measure of the reliability of the 'S' score. The definition of the E−value is: The probability due to chance, that there is another alignment with a similarity greater than the given S score.

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PCR is the abbreviation for polymerase chain reaction. It is similar to recombinant DNA technology in that both have the ability to sequence DNA.

How are primates and humans similar?

The DNA sequence of humans and chimpanzees are 98.5 percent identical, but now Uppalsa University

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Exact means precise, spot on, perfect (As in similarity... not as in 'wonderful')Example:The vault would not open without the exact sequence of numbers being entered in the right order.

Which sequence shows increasing complexity of levels of ecological organization?

The sequence that represents the correct order of increasing complexity in living systems is molecules, cell, tissue, and organs. The classification of organisms reflect similarities and evolutionary history.