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The Rock Cycle.

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Q: Model that describes how rocks slowly change from one form to another through time?
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Is slowly a linking verb or action verb?

Slowly is actually an adjective, it describes the verb. For example, "she walked slowly" walked is the verb and slowly describes how she walked.

What is another phrase for to change gradually?

Answer this question...evolve

Trilobites are index fossils because they?

because they change slowly through time

What is a series of processes that slowly change rocks from one kind to another?

Rock cycle

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He works slowly but steadily which word is the verb?

The verb in this sentence is "works." It is the action word that describes what the subject (he) is doing.

Does the sentence a snake moved slowly through the grass have an adverb and an adjective?

The (article) snake (noun) moved (verb) slowly (adverb) through the grass (prepositional phrase).This sentence doesn't have an adjective, because an adjective describes a noun, pronoun, or other adjective.If you said "The snake moved slowly through the green grass," green would be the adjective because it is describing the word, "grass", which is a noun.

Does plastic bottles go through a chemical change?

Yes, but very slowly ... that's what non-biodegradable is all about.

Is slowly is noun?

'Slowly' is an adverb, or a word that describes a verb. In the sentence, "A snail traveled slowly across the aquarium glass," the verb being described is 'traveled' and slowly describes how the snail traveled.Adverb

Has the worlds total water supply change through out the years?

Yes, but very slowly. For all of human history you can consider the answer as no.

How do you use a sentence with slowly?

She walked slowly through the park, taking in the sights and sounds.