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Rock cycle

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Q: What is a series of processes that slowly change rocks from one kind to another?
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A series of process on earth's surface and in the crust and mantle that slowly changes rocks from one kind to another is called?

A series of processes on Earth's surface and in the crust and mantle that slowly changes rocks from one kind to another is called

A series of processes on Earth and surface and interior that slowly changes rocks from one kind to another is called?

The rock cycle.

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Weathering and erosion certainly do change the Earth continuously but the speed of these processes varies considerably.

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no, not really, the reason the bubble floats is because of the hot air slowly moving upward. there are no chemical processes going on

Model that describes how rocks slowly change from one form to another through time?

The Rock Cycle.

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As far as we know, they would look very similar to the way they look now. For the most part, processes that cause a change in landforms perform that change slowly.

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No, certainly not. Geological processes are slowly changing everything.

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How do forces inside earth drive the rock cycle?

Earth's surface and inside the planet slowly change rocks from one kind to another.