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Q: Movement of water molecules into porous material causing swelling?
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How does the temperature of a solution affect the speed at which a solid is dissolved?

The higher the temperature, the more movement in the molecules, causing the substance to liquify, or turn to gas, whichever, more quickly than if there were no vibrations in the molecules.

When water freeze it's?

When water freezes, the movement of the molecules in the liquid slows down.... Causing the water to become a solid.. In this case, it is called ICE.

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Sound travels by causing molecules in the material to vibrate parallel to the direction of motion. Sound waves are longitudinal waves.

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A contusion is a painful injury with swelling and discoloration, but without broken skin.contusion and swelling

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Molecules create friction from rubbing together causing the temperature to increase.

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Can kidney problems cause swelling in feet and ankles?

YES. If the kidneys are not functioning properly you will get water retention causing swelling of feet and ankles.

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Throat infection or tonsillitis.

There is swelling on the top of my left foot.?

If it is causing you some distress then we advise you do something about it.

What does hypertrophic osteoarthritic mean?

Commonly known simply as osteoarthritis (OA) which is a degenerative joint disease (DJD) where joint cartilage wears away causing pain, swelling, limited movement and muscle weakness around the afflicted joint.

How do you prevent swelling in the hands when albumin is low?

That can not be done without causing severe dehydration to you.