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Cerebellar tonsils are parts of the cerebellum of which there are two that lie one on either side of the vermis. The foramen magnum is the large hole in the base of the skull through which a few things pass most importantly the spinal chord. If the cerebellar tontils are also trying to get down through the foreamen magnum then they will put physical pressure on the spinal chord. The result is dependant on the pressure being exerted but likely includes motor and sensory abnormalities.

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Q: My 4 year old was diagnosed with having cerebellar tonsils extending below the foramen magnum what does this mean?
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What is this slight encroachment by the cerebellar tonsils on the foramen magnum without high grade Chiari malformation?

The cerebellar tonsils are crowding or pushing down toward the foramen magnum which could be nothing to worry about unless you have a lot of headaches, neck pain, numbness in arms, tingling in hands...could be the cause for that and really, the only thing you can do to stop that IF that's the cause is surgery which isn't 100A% effective.

What is an Arnold-Chiari malformation?

An Arnold-Chiari malformation is an alternative name for a Chiari malformation, a malformation of the brain consisting of a downward displacement of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum.

What does low lying cerebellar tonsils mean?

Arnold Chiari malformation


Cerebellar tonsillar ectopia refers to a brain condition. In this condition, the tonsils near the back of the skull lay low causing herniation.

How many sets of tonsils does a human have?

The number of tonsils in the human body depends on what location you are asking about, but in the mouth and throat there are 4 sets; the pharyngeal tonsils, tubal tonsils, palatine tonsils, and lingual tonsils. If you are talking about other structures that are named tonsils, there are many others such as the cerebellar tonsils.

What is brain coning?

Tonsillar herniationIn tonsillar herniation, also called downward cerebellar herniation,[4] or "coning", the cerebellar tonsils move downward through the foramen magnum possibly causing compression of the lower brainstem and upper cervical spinal cord as they pass through the foramen magnum.[5]Increased pressure on the brainstem can result in dysfunction of the centers in the brain responsible for controlling respiratory and cardiac function. Tonsillar herniation of the cerebellum is also known as a Chiari Malformation (CM), or previously an Arnold Chiari Malformation (ACM). There are at least three types of Chiari malformation that are widely recognized, and they represent very different disease processes with different symptoms and prognosis. These conditions can be found in asymptomatic patients as an incidental finding, or can be so severe as to be life-threatening. This condition is now being diagnosed more frequently by radiologists, as more and more patients undergo MRI scans of their heads. Cerebellar ectopia is a term used by radiologists to describe cerebellar tonsils that are "low lying" but that do not meet the radiographic criteria for definition as a Chiari malformation. The currently accepted radiographic definition for a Chiari malformation is that cerebellar tonsils lie at least 5mm below the level of the foramen magnum. Some clinicians have reported that some patients appear to experience symptoms consistent with a Chiari malformation without radiographic evidence of tonsillar herniation. Sometimes these patients are described as having a 'Chiari [type] 0'.There are many suspected causes of tonsillar herniation including: decreased or malformed posterior fossa (the lower, back part of the skull) not providing enough room for the cerebellum; hydrocephalus or abnormal CSF volume pushing the tonsils out. Connective tissue disorders, such as Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, can be associated. GrantFor further evaluation of tonsillar herniation, CINE flow studies are used. This type of MRI examines flow of CSF at the cranio-cervical joint. For persons experiencing symptoms with seemingly Max herniation, especially if the symptoms are better in the supine position and worse upon standing/upright, an upright MRI may be useful.[2]

What are the three tonsils?

There are FIVE pairs of tonsils in the pharynx or throat, though the exact number will differ depending on the textbook:Nasal (lymphatic tissue in the nose)Adenoids/Pharangeal/Luschka (nasopharynx)Palatine (oropharynx)Tubal (pharynx side of the auditory tubes)Lingual (oropharynx)Note: the cerebellar tonsil is a structure in the brain.

Who discovered Arnold Chiari malformation?

Hans von Chiari, Professor of Morbid Anatomy at Charles University in Prague, 1891 published a his findings describing three cases with malformations of the lower part of the cerebellum and brain stem. type I, II, and III. These were later, named the Chiari malformations in his honor. In the Chiari malformation Type I (the cerebellar tonsils herniate down into the upper cervical spinal canal with the lower brain stem sometimes hanging down into the spinal canal. Type II has the lower brain stem, cerebellar vermis, and tonsils hanging down below the foramen magnum. Type III malformation has the tissues of the posterior fossa displaced into a soft sac (meningocele) at the back of the head and upper neck.

What is disease where the brain sits to far down the brainstem causing continued headaches?

Chiari 1 is a condition where the cerebellar tonsils of the brain extend too far down and can cause headaches as well as other symptoms

You are an adult male 49 year old post head trama case MRI now says Cerebellar tonsils protruding below the foramen magnum which means?

This is not a good sign really. It means the pressure inside the skull has increased, usually post trauma or infection causing the brainstem to move downwards into the hole in the skull from which the spinal cord arises from. Imagine squashing a bowl of rather solid jelly into a large bore doesn't fit very well.

What are Types of tonsils?

Tonsils, palatine tonsils and Waldeyer's ring. Tonsils are part of the lymphatic (Immune System)

How is tonsillitis diagnosed?

made from the visible symptoms and a physical examination of the patient. The doctor will examine the eyes, ears, nose, and throat, looking at the tonsils for signs of swelling, redness, or a discharge.