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In most cases, rubbing is caused by too much space inside the skate. In other words, your foot is not being held in the skate firmly enough (too wide, too long, too big) which is causing your foot to move either back and forth or side to side inside the skate. Over time, this can lead to blisters, bone spurs, premature breakdown of the boot and improper skating technique, among other issues.

A double or triple layer of socks may work but it's not recommended. The best solution would be to get your foot resized and your skates replaced with the proper length and width.

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Q: My hockey skates rub the inner side of your foot how can you stop it?
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Hockey players depend on the ice. They sway from side to side in a constant motion which causes friction to occur between their ice skates and the rink itself.

How do select hockey skates?

You choose your hockey skates on a few main criteria. The criteria are the skaters level of experience and the budget that you want to stay with-in. Also, the use of the skate will play a role on which skate to select. Ice hockey skates range from beginner to expert level skates. Depending on your skill level, you can narrow down a certain grouping of skates to chose from. If you are a beginner skater then you want to select a beginner skate, the technical aspects will be different then an expert skate. Hockey skates also vary in price, they can can range anywhere from $50-$650. So based on your personal finances, you will have a budget to stay with-in. On a side note, you can usually get a deal on last years model or a close-out model, this way you can get a more technical skate for a lower price. Last, the use of the skate. If you are just going out to pond skate then you need a pair of skates that are comfortable and usually on the lower end of the price range. You will not need skates that are expensive just to go out and have some fun. But if you are a series league skater then you need the higher technical skates.

Why is there a CCM label on the tongue of my RBK ice skates?

CCM is a Canadian company that originally built bicycles, but in 1905 began building hockey skates followed by other hockey equipment as well. In more recent years CCM acquired other hockey equipment companies such as KOHO and JOFA. In 2004 CCM was acquired by Rebok who also kept the KOHO and JOFA names as well. The CCM and KOHO logos are still used on Rebok hockey equipment for tradition's sake, as they are known brands. On a side note Adidas purchased Rebok in 2006, so future versions of the skates could be multi-branded.

What is difference between hockey and six-a-side hockey?

six side a hockey isn't hockey its bullsh*t

What does offsides mean in hockey?

Offside.Rule 74 Off-SideThe position of the player's skates and not that of his stick shall be the determining factor in all instances in deciding an off-side. A player is off-side when both skates are completely over the outer edge of the blue line involved in the play.When an Offside is called, play is stopped and a Face-off is called, In the Neutral zone towards the side of play and towards the Zone of play the Off-side was committed (Generally the Offensive Zone for the team who incurred the Off-side)

What side is the fragile side of your foot?

Right side of right foot

A foot that allows the needle to sew from side to side is a?

A foot that allows the needle to sew from side to side is a zigzag foot. The foot has an open middle so that the needle can move freely from side to side.

What is a good replacement for ice to play hockey on outdoors?

I play hockey on my inline skates at my local park usually on one half of a tennis court which is a great substitute for ice. Can't use a puck tho, I use a tennis ball but you can buy roller hockey balls. Or in any 5 a side football/basketball cage like park play area. Anywhere smooth and flat and with a dry surface for inline/roller skating is a good outdoor substitute for hockey mate.

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the chubby one

How many fuse boxes are there and where are they at?

Depends on the type of car. Drivers side above your left foot, in the side kick panel beside your left foot or on the drivers inner fender in the engine compartment. Some GM cars have one in the glove box or under the steering wheel on the lower part of the dash.