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The endocrine system releases adrenaline when the nervous system experiences stress

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Q: Neurotransmitter released in response to stress?
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Which neurotransmitter helps your body return to normal after the stress response?

The neurotransmitter that helps the body return to normal after a stress response is the noradrenaline. It is also used to raise blood pressure.

Which neurotransmitter is stimulated by stress?


What are neurotransmitters that affect a neuron's response to other neurotransmitters called?

These are typically known as neuromodulators; they can either change the rate at which a neurotransmitter is released, or alter the response to a certain neurotransmitters.

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A hormone that is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress?

a hormone known as KAP is released by hypothalamus when insane

Why is the body's response during the first stage of stress called the flight-or-flight response?

blood pressure increases hormones are released

Why is the body's response during the first stage of stress called the fight-or-fight response?

blood pressure increases hormones are released

What neurotransmitter causes low blood pressure?

The neurotransmitter epinephrine can cause the blood pressure to become low. This neurotransmitter also regulated the heart rate. It is often controlled by stress.

What is the substance released at axon terminals?

The substance that is released at an axonal ending to propagate the nerve impulse to the next nerve or muscle is called

What neurotransmitter stimulates the fight or flight response?

Norepinephrine and epinephrine (adrenaline).

What type of ion channel opens on the synaptic end bulb in response to depolarisation?

Calcium (Ca2+) channels open on the synaptic end bulb in response to depolarization (from the action potential), inducing exocytosis of synaptosomes containing neurotransmitter, resulting in neurotransmitter being released into the synaptic cleft...further propagating the signal to the next neuron or set of neurons.