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DNA is more stable than RNA and that is why it evolved as a long term storage of genetic information

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Thats actually wrong, mRNA moves the information obtained from the DNA to the ribosome to do protein synthesis.

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Q: Once DNA evolved why would it have become the primary means of transmitting genetic information?
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What is the primary function of DNA?

DNA is the genetic material of cells. The major function of DNA is to store and transmit genetic (hereditary) information. It does this by providing a code (the genetic code) for the production of proteins by the cell.

What is the name and primary function of the other nucleic acid found in cells?

nucleic acids are DNA and RNA. (mostly known as DNA) its primary function is to contain genetic information about the living organism which carries it. Helping it, is its monomer. (a monomer is a single cell in which helps its host, in this case, the host is Nucleic Acids.) Nucleic Acids monomer is nucleotide. Nucleotide is the other part of the Nucleic Acids and like i said, helps it contain its genetic information, or DNA.

What is the primary function of the chromosome?

Chromosomes contain DNA that provides a "blueprint," or genetic information, for the organism.

What is the ultimate source of genetic variation and the basis for the diversity of life on earth?

Mutations. These have quite a few different causes. Sexual reproduction is a "more recent source" {beginning 600 million years ago} of genetic variability. The process of sharing genetic information, coupled with the random crossing and mixing of genetic information during the creation of a new organism, leads to another source of genetic variability.

Which organic compound stores hereditary material?

Transmitting genetic info...sounds kind of like genes right? what kind of molecules are used in that? .. .. DNA and RNA of course! DNA is the "primary" genetic information holder. It is sort of like a book, in that stores all the blueprints for making life live. It stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, which is just a long word for a special-sugar-without-an-oxygen-in-the-nucleus. RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is very similar. However, your cells primarily use it as a working copy of the blueprint for life, and is used in this manner to make protein. It is also used though as hereditary material in some viruses like HIV and HTLV though.

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The Hershey-Chase experiment disproved which of these molecule groups as the physical carrier of inheritance?

The Hershey-Chase experiment disproved proteins as the physical carrier of inheritance and instead provided evidence that DNA is the primary molecule responsible for transmitting genetic information.

What is the primary function of DNA?

DNA is the genetic material of cells. The major function of DNA is to store and transmit genetic (hereditary) information. It does this by providing a code (the genetic code) for the production of proteins by the cell.

What is the primary original source of genetic variation in a population?

The primary original source of genetic variation in a population is mutation. Mutations are changes in the DNA sequence that can lead to new genetic variations in populations, providing the raw material for evolution to occur.

What is the primary means for transmitting messages between the brain and the rrest of the body?

your nerves.

The job of the brain?

It is the primary center for the regulation and control of bodily activities, receiving and interpreting sensory impulses, and transmitting information to the muscles and body organs. It is also the seat of consciousness, thought, memory, and emotion.

Is information from a brochure primary or secondary information?

It is primary information because it shows information from that time

What is a primary role of the physical layer in transmitting data on the network?

create the signals that represent the bits in each frame on to the media

How can primary caregivers and family members be assisted to care for LBD patients?

Primary caregivers and family members require information concerning management of symptoms such as hallucinations, agitation, and cognitive changes. Children of patients with LBD may require genetic counseling.

What is primary information?

primary information is information that has been obtained first hand, or is original. primary information is the exact opposit of secondary information. primary; original, first hand, principle, first priority. information; knowledge. there are many forms of primary information, these include; surveys (that you have conducted), interviews, human resources and so forth.

What is the difference between primary information and secondary information?

Primary source information is original material,Secondary sources analyze and interpret primary sources

What do you understand by the statement DNA is the primary genetic material of the cell?

DNA is the primary genetic material of all cellular organisms and is housed in the nucleus or cytoplasm. DNA controls the cells functions.