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Q: Organelles that use light energy to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water are?
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What is an energy-converting organelle found in plant and algae cells?

Chloroplasts are energy-converting organelles found in green plant cells. Within the chloroplasts are stacks of disks called thykaloids in which photosynthesis takes place, creating carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.

What has more potential energy carbon dioxide carbohydrates or fatty acids?

Carbon dioxide < Carbohydrates < Fatty Acids (most reduced molecule).

How is energy transformed during photosynthesis?

Energy from sunlight is chemically bound into carbohydrates during photosynthesis. Plants use energy from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to assemble carbohydrates-- molecules made out of carbon (carbo-), hydrogen (hydrates). Plants give off oxygen because water is made out of both hydrogen and oxygen, but when plants make carbohydrates, they only use the carbon part of carbon dioxide, and release the oxygen (dioxide) back into the atmosphere, allowing us to breathe.

What substances are necessary for animals to do cellular respiration?

For animals there a world equation and theres one for photosynthesis(plants) also . animals : carbohydrates + oxygen = water + energy + carbon dioxide plants : carbon dioxide + light energy + water = carbohydrates + oxygen Hope this helped. :)

Trace the path of oxygen water and carbon dioxide through the organelles?

When tracing the path of oxygen, water, carbon dioxide and glucose in the production of energy it will show that first oxygen and water enter the cell. Carbon dioxide and glucose are then produced in the cell and carbon dioxide is given off. Energy is also dispelled as glucose.

Related questions

What is an energy-converting organelle found in plant and algae cells?

Chloroplasts are energy-converting organelles found in green plant cells. Within the chloroplasts are stacks of disks called thykaloids in which photosynthesis takes place, creating carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.

Which organelles use light energy to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water?

In order to perform photosynthesis, plants must capture light energy. To do this they use chlorophyll. The plant cells which are responsible for photosynthesis contain organelles called chloroplasts which are rich in chlorophyll.

What has more potential energy carbon dioxide carbohydrates or fatty acids?

Carbon dioxide < Carbohydrates < Fatty Acids (most reduced molecule).

What supplies energy for the reactions that turn carbon dioxide into carbohydrates?

Sun light .

Which process are carbon dioxide and water converted to carbohydrates?

Chemoautotrophs are organisms that gain energy saved in inorganic molecules. The carbon dioxide and water molecules are then transformed into carbohydrates and oxygen.

Ornganelles that use light energy to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water are?


What are the orincipal end products of cellular oxidation of carbohydrates?

Water, Carbon Dioxide, and Energy.

What type of energy is formed durning photosynthesis?

Heat energy. This is the by-product from the creation of carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide.

How is energy transformed during photosynthesis?

Energy from sunlight is chemically bound into carbohydrates during photosynthesis. Plants use energy from sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to assemble carbohydrates-- molecules made out of carbon (carbo-), hydrogen (hydrates). Plants give off oxygen because water is made out of both hydrogen and oxygen, but when plants make carbohydrates, they only use the carbon part of carbon dioxide, and release the oxygen (dioxide) back into the atmosphere, allowing us to breathe.

In the cell which organelles has the function in using oxygen in the breakdown of glucose releasing energy and carbon Dioxide?

The mitochondria.

The process of fixing carbon dioxide into carbohydrates occurs in the what process?

Photosynthesis is where plants convert energy from the sun into chemical energy. The process of fixing carbon dioxide into a carbohydrate occurs during the Calvin Cycle stage of photosynthesis.

What substances are necessary for animals to do cellular respiration?

For animals there a world equation and theres one for photosynthesis(plants) also . animals : carbohydrates + oxygen = water + energy + carbon dioxide plants : carbon dioxide + light energy + water = carbohydrates + oxygen Hope this helped. :)