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Q: Phase during mitosis when chromosomes are pulled apart by spindle fiber and chromatids move to opposite ends?
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Describe how chromosomes are evenly divided during mitosis?

Chromosomes are divided when the spindle fibers drag sister chromatids to opposite ends of the cell.

What is the role of the spindle fibers during mitosis?

They pull the sister chromatids apart.

Describe the structure and function of the spindle during mitosis?

Spindle fibers are necessary in mitosis as they help in bringing half the number of chromosomes on each side of the cell, so that when the cell divides, the chromosomes are distributed equally in both the daughter nuclei.

Stage of mitosis where chromosomes split apart?

Anaphase is the stage of mitosis when chromosomes split apart.

The phase of mitosis in which microtubules connect the centromere of each chromosome to the poles of the pindle?

The name for the network of microtubules along which the chromosomes move during cell division is called the spindle fibers. These spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes and pull them in half.

What is the spindle fibers in mitosis?

They pull the sister chromatids (the duplicate chromosomes of the cell) apart to opposite poles of the cell allowing new cells to form. Basically they rip the chromosomes in half so there is an equal copy of ever chromosome.

How is antaphase 2 in meiosis similar to anaphase in mitosis?

The centrioles move apart to opposite ends of the cell, the chromosomes become attached to the fiber connected to centrioles pulling the chromatids apart; when this is over all the chromatids line up.

How do you describe how DNA copies itself?

DNA replication occurrs through a process called mitosis. The stages of mitosis are (I)PMAT.InterphaseIn the G1 phase, protein synthesis occurrs and mRNA runs along the chromosomes. In the S phase, DNA polymerase runs along the chromosomes/chromatids and creates complementary strands of DNA. In the G2 phase, the 23 chromosomes all have sister chromatids.2. Prophase- Chromosomes condense, spindle fibers form, and the nuclear membrane disintegrates. (23 chromosomes/46 chromatids)3. Metaphase- the chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell and spindle fibers from the centrioles connect to the chromosomes at the kinetochores. (23 chromosomes/46 chromatids)4. Anaphase- Sister chromatids are pulled apart by the spindle fibers to each pole of the cell. (23 chromosomes/46 chromatids)5. Telophase- nuclear envolopes form around the chromatids at each pole, the spindle fibers reduce, the chromatids decondense. (46 chromosomes/ 46 chromatids)Then cytokinesis occurrs to split up the cell into two cells.

Why is spindle so important to mitosis?

They pull the sister chromatids (the duplicate chromosomes of the cell) apart to opposite poles of the cell allowing new cells to form. Basically they rip the chromosomes in half so there is an equal copy of ever chromosome.

What is happening when chromosomes attach to spindle fibers?

That would be during metaphase in mitosis and the chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers because each half of the chromosomes need to migrate to the opposite poles. The spindle fibers are temporary but aid in the movement of the chromosomes.

What happens in a cell during anaphase?

Anaphase: Spindle fibers shorten, the kinetochores separate, and the chromatids (daughter chromosomes) are pulled apart and begin moving to the cell poles. In summery identical sets of chromosomes are moved to opposite sides of the cell.

What is the phase of mitosis if chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers?

Metaphase is when chromosomes attatch to spindle fibers in the phase of mitosis.