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This results from the combinations of chlorophylls and anthocyanin (red) pigments. Leaves of the Coleus have the same pigment combination throughout the leaf.

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Q: Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll but some of the coleus leaves turn out purple Why did this happen?
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Does photosynthesis requires chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is an essential factor for the process of Photosynthesizing. Without Chlorophyll, Photosynthesis cannot happen.

What Occurs only in the presence of chlorophyll and light?

It is the light reaction. It requires lights to happen.

Why does photosynthesis not happen in rocks?

rocks do not have Chlorophyll

What do plants need in the process of photosynthesis?

Chlorophyll Further answer Chlorophyll enables photosynthesis to happen and the plant needs carbon dioxide to convert to sugars in the process.

What is the green chemical neede for photosynthesis?

The green chemical needed to allow photosynthesis to happen, is the chemical chlorophyll present in the chloroplast of a palisade cell.

What two named features enable the leaf to carry out photosynthesis?

photosynthesis occurs in the green parts of a plant which contain the pigment chlorophyll

What are four basic things needed for photosynthesis to happen?

The four ingredients of photosynthesis are: it is catalysed by chlorophyll, powered by sunlight, and it consumes water and carbon dioxide.

Photosynthesis works how?

Photosynthesis can happen in plants because they have chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the pigment that makes plants green. Chlorophyll captures the Sun's energy and uses it to make sugars out of carbon dioxide from the air and water. The sugars fuel a plant's roots, stems, and leaves so the plant can grow.

What would happen if all cells in a plant had chlorophyll?

The plant would look much greener, and would undergo photosynthesis more.

What chemical is used to make photosynthesis happen?

The chemical used when a plant cell photosynthesizes is called chlorophyll, which is a pigment in the chloroplast of the cell.

Is chlorophyll needed in cellular respiration?

no. humans respire and they do not have chlorophyll. Respiration is the process of releasing energy from food. To do thi you need to have glucose (from the food) and oxygen. Chlorophyll comes into it because plants need to conduct photosynthesis to get glucose. The chlorophyll is needed for this process to happen.

Where is photosynthesis occur?

Most photosynthesis happens in leaves. But other parts of plants above the ground can photosynthesize too. Chlorophyll is an extremely important substance, without it photosynthesis could not happen. It absorbs sunlight which makes carbon dioxide and water react together hence making glucose.