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Damp shady

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Q: Plants in the phylum bryophyta grow in areas that are?
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plants that grow on landEdited answer: Embryophyta are plants in between bryophyta and tracheophyta categories

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Where do Bryophyta grow?

Bryophytes generally grow in moist and shady places of rocky hills.

What area do plants in the phylum bryophyta grow?

Hornworts, liverworts and mosses are known as bryophytes. They do not have the ability to pull nutrients or water from the ground at large distance. Due to this nature, they live in moist areas such as forests and creeks.

What plants grow in dry areas?


What encourages moss to grow?

Dampness and shade encourage the growth of moss, which is in the Bryophyta division of plants. Moss has absolutely no way of holding in water. So it doesn't grow in sunlight, which helps evaporate available moisture.

What division does the mosses and liverworts belong too?

Both are in the kindom Plantae, and within the plantae they are called Bryophytes, as they are non-vascular land plants. They are further divided into Bryophyta (moses) and Marchantiophyta (liverworts).

What type of plants grow in grassland areas?


What three phyla make up the bryophytes?

There is controversy, but until it is resolved: traditionally the bryophytes are divided into 3 main groups: Marchantiophyta (liverworts), Bryophyta (mosses), Anthocerotophyta (hornworts). Bryophytes are one of the two main groups of plants. Their distinguishing feature is that they are non-vascular plants. All other plants are vascular. They are spore-producing plants (but not all spore producers are byophytes), and none have flowers.

Where do seedless plants grow?

Bryophytes and ferns grow in damp or wet areas and out of strong sunlight

Why are certain plants adapted to grow in different areas?

One direction

what plant grow in a certain are but also in other areas?

Basically, most plants can also grow in certain areas and most areas some of these touch me not plant and coconut trees... coconut trees can grow if you plant them in the right conditions