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Over-application of chemical fertilisers or application of chemical fertilisers at a time when the ground is waterlogged or the crop is not able to use the chemicals, can lead to surface runoff or leaching into groundwater Storage and application of some fertilisers in some weather or soil conditions can cause emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) primarily associated with the use of artificial fertilisers, because of the massive quantities applied and the destructive nature of chemical fertilisers on soil nutrient holding structures The high solubility of chemical fertilisers also exacerbates their tendency to degrade ecosystems

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Q: Pollution due to excessive fertilisers used by farmers leading to Eutrophication?
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Why do farmers use Fertilisers?

To improve the growth for there crops

Should farmers be exempt from pollution laws?

Certainly not. Agriculture is responsible for a huge amount of pollution; fertilisers and pseticides run into rivers and streams, and cattle and livestock produce huge volumes of gas and introduce yet more waste into the water system.

Sources of domestic industrial and agricultural wather pollution?

Domestic pollution is caused by landfill waste seeping into the groundwater flow. Agricultural pollution comes from farms. It occurs when the farmers spray their land with pesticides and fertilisers which then run off the land when its raining , into nearby water sources . This pollutes the water and the marine life living in it. :)

What are some methods farmers use to keep their soil healthy and productive?

they use soil and plant food. also fertilisers

Why do farmers use ammonium compounds?

it can be used as a fertilisers and pesticides for the plants and it is cheaper but i don't think the examiner will except that. but it still a point.

What are used by farmers to make their crops grow well?

Fertilisers are commonly used. These are often high in Nitrogen compounds, especially ammonia.

How do lakes become eutrophic?

Eutrophication Eutrophication is usually the result of fertilisers being washed into a body of water e.g. lake or river. 1) farmers add fertilisers (containing nitrates and Phosphates) to their crops to help them grow. 2)Heavy rain washes the fertilisers off and the nitrates and phosphates dissolve. 3) The nitrates and phosphates that aren't taken up by plants are washed into a stream or river. 4)The high concentrations of phosphates and nitrates encourage rapid plant and algae growth. 5) surface plants (in the body of water) block sunlight. so plants in the water can't photosynthesize and die (so no more oxygen is being made through photosynthesis.) 6) the decomposing bacteria that break down the dead plants thrive (because of all the dead plants) and use up more oxygen. 7) oxygen concentrations in the water decreases and animals (e.g. fish) die due to lack of oxygen.

What are the ways to prevent eutrophication?

Eutrophication poses a problem not only to ecosystems, but to humans as well. Reducing eutrophication should be a key concern when considering future policy, and a sustainable solution for everyone, including farmers and ranchers, seems feasible. While eutrophication does pose problems, humans should be aware that natural runoff (which causes algal blooms in the wild) is common in ecosystems and should thus not reverse nutrient concentrations beyond normal levels.

What are disadvantages of land pollution to human?

land pollution causes soil damage .This would affect the farmers.

How does land pollution affect humans?

I think that land pollution affect farmers more because the plants would die, but I am not sure this is a guess. I am doing a assignment on Pollution if anyone has any better answers please be welcome to answer I think that land pollution affect farmers more because the plants would die, but I am not sure this is a guess. I am doing a assignment on Pollution if anyone has any better answers please be welcome to answer

Why do nitrates contaminate many wells in agricultural areas?

Nitrates are used as agricultural fertilisers and being soluble, if overused, the excess nitrates end up contaminating the local groundwater. Most farmers have tended to overuse fertilizers.

What hardships did farmers face in the 1800s?

Some of the hardships that farmers had to face were railroads charging excessive prices for farmers in the West to ship/store crops than those in the East, the price of crops was decreasing, and farmers had to mortgage their land to buy more property, which the banks would foreclose. Does this help?