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Q: Prokaryotic cells reproduce by a process called?
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Prokaryotic cells reproduce by a process called what?


A prokaryotic cell reproduces through a process called what?

Prokaryotic cells reproduce by binary fission (splitting in two).

What term best describes when cells reproduce by a process?

Cells reproduce by a process called Mitosis

How do prokaryotic cells reproduce and divide?

Prokaryotic cells reproduce and divide using binary fission, mitosis, and meiosis. It just depends on the species of cell.

Looking at a cell under a microscope you note that it is a prokarote?

- prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus and eukaryotic cells do. - prokaryotic cells lack some organelles and eukaryotic cells do not. - prokaryotic cells are not found in humans and eukaryotic cells are. - prokaryotic cells are always unicellular and eukaryotic cells are often multicellular. - prokaryotic cells reproduce/divide by binary fission and eukaryotic cells reproduce/divide by mitosis/meiosis

Eukaryotic cells do not reproduce through binary fission Instead they reproduce through a process called?

Eukaryotic somatic (non-sex) cells reproduce strictly by mitosis. Sex cells use meiosos and mitosis.

Which has only prokaryotic cells?

Plants can only have eukaryotic cells because they themselves are eukaryotic. Only a bacteria (which is a prokaryote) is able to reproduce to form another prokaryotic cell.

Cells that do not have a nucleas?

These are called prokaryote cells and also do not contain membrane bound organelles.

Is a prokaryotic cell asexual or sexual?

prokaryiotic cells do produce asexually and sexually

Do prokaryotic organisms undergo meiosis?

It must or cells would not be able to reproduce. Eukaryotic cells replicate by mitosis. Prokaryotic cells replicate via binary fission.

What is the process in which cells reproduce body cells?


The process of allowing cells to reproduce in order to obtain a large number of identical cells is called what?

mitotic cell division