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Protein synthesis occurs along the ribosome. The nuclear membrane doesn't have any direct influence in making proteins.

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Q: Protein synthesis occurs in the ribosomes or nuclear envelope?
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Explain how the nucleolus contributes to protein synthesis?

The nucleolus synthesizes ribosomal RNA and combines it with protein to assemble. This creates ribosomal subunits, which then pass through nuclear pores to the cytoplasm.

Type of RNA small enough to fit through the pores of the nuclear envelope?

The type of RNA that is small enough to fit through the pores of the nuclear envelope is messenger RNA (mRNA). mRNA carries the genetic information from DNA to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm, where it is used as a template for protein synthesis.

Organelles at which amino acids are hooked together to make protiens?

Its the tRNA molecule which assembles amino acids together inside of the ribosome. So technically, you could say that it is the ribosome which assembles them. This is done through a process called 'protein synthesis', more specifically at the translation level.

What job does the nucleus membrane have?

The nuclear membrane, or more often called nuclear envelope, isolates a eukaryotic cell's chromatin(DNA) from the rest of the cytoplasm. The nuclear envelope is believed to have formed from the infolding of the cell membrane(basically the same process that also formed the endoplasmic reticulum). Unlike the cell membrane the nuclear envelope contains pores which are essential for the movement of mRNA from the nucleus out to the cytoplasm where ribosomes are located so protein synthesis can be undertaken.

Does transfer RNA perform its function in the nuclear or the cytoplasm explain?

tRNA binds to ribosomes within the cytoplasm where translation and protein synthesis occurs

The RNA type that diffuses through the nuclear pores to direct the assembly or synthesis of new protein molecules at the ribosomes in the cytoplasm is what?

tRNA, or transfer RNA

The fact that the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope has bound ribosomes allows one to most reliably conclude that?

at least some of the proteins that function in the nuclear envelope are made by the ribosomes on the nuclear envelope. I promise this is the right answer, i did it on masteringbio two seconds ago.. Good Luck :-)

What cell is covered in ribosomes?

There are two: The nucleus and the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (the ribosomes are also on the Nuclear Envelope)

Does the nuclear envelope have ribosomes?

No. It does not. The Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum does.

What is the maze of tubes and sacs that produces a variety of molecules?

It is the endoplasmic reticulum.This consists of regions with embedded ribosomes (the rough endoplasmic reticulum) and regions without (smooth endoplasmic reticulum).The endoplasmic reticulum interconnects with the nuclear envelope, and is involved in both transport and metabolism, including lipid synthesis (in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum) and protein synthesis (in the rough endoplasmic reticulum).

What is the protein outside the cell of the nucleus?

Nuclear Envelope

What is the nuclear envelop?

The nuclear envelope in eukaryotic cells surrounds the nucleus, with gaps called nuclear pores between each section of it. Ribosomes are attached around the nuclear envelope. The nuclear envelope joins to the endoplasmic reticulum