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Yes, because saunas cause your body to sweat and sweating is a way your body extracts toxins. Always remember to be hydrated before, during and after using the sauna, it helps you keep healthy

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10y ago

If you have a minor fever, like 37°C, sure, but if you have like 40°C fever, no!

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Q: Should you take a sauna if you have a fever?
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If you have a cold can you sit in a sauna?

Yes, but if you have a 100°F fever, I wouldn't recommend it.

How long should you take a sauna?

There is no age limit. I was a baby when I was first time in sauna, so I would guess when the baby is old enough to be on the sandbox on the playground and as long as the heat in the sauna is not really high and someone is supervising the small child, it's okay. The time spent should be very limited as the stress put on the child's circulatory system is high.

Are sauna good for children?

Yes, but it is not adviced to take babies in the sauna.

What should you take for a fever?

One can take a pain killer(analgesics) for fever. Paracetamol can serve the purpose for mild fever. Combiflam is stronger drug and can treat severe fever.

Should you sauna with congestion sore throat cough?

Oh goodness me, YES. This adds moisture to the lungs and the heat helps break up the congestion that your body is trying to expel by coughing. Make sure not to get the steam too hot or you can do more damage than good.

Is a sauna suit bad for you?

You should rather just go to a real sauna instead.

Should a dry sauna have a exhaust fan?

A dry sauna does not need a exhaust fan

What to take to make you sweat?

A sauna.

Your Yorkshire terrier has a fever what should you do?

Take him to the vet.

Hinges for sauna glass door?

You should search from the same place that sells sauna doors

What is the maxium time you should sit in the sauna?

You shouldn't stay in the sauna for more than 60 minutes.

Can steam bath be followed by sauna bath How frequently can sauna or steam bath be taken per week What is the sequence and instructions for sauna and steam?

Yes, you can take a steam bath and a sauna bath in the same session, especially if you take some time and cool down between them. Many find that the health benefits of a sauna or steam bath can be maximized if you use them at least 2 times per week. You can take a sauna or steam bath every day if you wish.