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the muscle twitch is a brief and "jerky" movement, while the tetanic contraction is prolonged and continuous

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Q: Skeletal muscle twitch differs from a tetanic contraction in that?
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Some muscle fibers always contracted?

Summation and/or tetanic contraction. Summation is increased muscle contraction until maximal sustained contraction is achieved. Tetanic contraction is sustained muscle contraction without relaxation. If you're inquiring for the Learning Objective Review in an anatomy and physiology course, the question refers to a condition in which some fibers are always contracted... so I'm not sure if they're looking for summation or tetanic contraction - but I think it would be tetanic contraction as summation is more the process leading up to the tetanic contraction...

What is a sustained muscle contraction?

Occurs when acetylcholine (ACh) accumulates in the neuromuscular junction. It is called a tetanic contraction.

What type of muscle is capable of rapid contraction and causes skeletal movement?

Skeletal or voluntary muscle is capable of rapid contraction and is responsible for skeletal movement.

Does stretch have any effect on skeletal muscle contraction?

yes skeletal muscle stretch by means of contraction.

The first step toward generating a skeletal muscle contraction is The first step toward generating a skeletal muscle contraction is?

stimulation of the muscle by a nerve ending.

What factors affect muscle contraction?

the degree of muscle stretch is affect the strength or force of skeletal muscle contraction

Do skeletal muscles have involuntary muscle?

The skeletal muscles do have the involuntary muscle because they help it in the contraction process.

What band shortens during skeletal muscle contraction?

during skeletal muscle contraction ,I band and H zone shortens. Sarcomeres

True or false When the contraction of a skeletal muscle is studied in the laboratory by applying an electrical charge to the muscle the contraction is called a muscle twitch.?


In addition to myosin what other protein is involved in skeletal muscle contraction?

Myosin acts with Actin during muscle contraction

Why are skeletal muscle fibers unusual?

The skeletal muscle, or striated muscle, is the muscle attached to the skeleton. Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons. The contraction of skeletal muscle is under voluntary control.