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Q: Skin cells are attached to the extracellular matrix by a. anchoring junctions. b. tight junctions. c. plasmodesmata. d. communicating junctions. e. basal bodies.?
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How are the plasmodesmata of plant cells and commicating junctions of animal cell similar in function?

Cell junctions in plants are called Plasmodesmata while communicating junctions in animal cells are gap junctions

What are the four types of cellular junctions?

plasmodesmata tight junctions desmosomes gap junctions the plasmodesmata is the only cell junction in the plant cells.. and the other three cell junctions are in the animal cells...

Plasmodesmata of plant cells are functionally equivalent to what of animal cells?

If the answer choices are a. Extracellular Martix b. Desmosomes c. Gap Junctions d. Tight Junctions e. Peroxisomes Then the answer is definitely C, Gap Junctions

What junctions are found only in plant cells?


Which plant structure is most like gap junctions in animal cells?

gap junctions

It is essential for heart muscle cells to beat in a coordinated fashion The cell junctions that would best facilitate this are?

anchoring junctions, im pretty positive. if not its tight junctions. but yeah, pretty sure its anchoring junctions.

What are desmosomes junctions?

desmosomes is an anchoring junction

What intercellular junction in which cells are bound together by fusion of the outer cell membrane is called what?

In vertebrates, there are three major types of cell junction:1. Adherens junctions, desmosomes and hemidesmosomes (anchoring junctions.)2. Gap junctions (communicating junction)3. Tight junctions (occluding junctions)Your question most likely is for the tight junction but more information in the question would be helpful.

Which tissue would likely contain large amounts of anchoring junctions?


What anchoring junctions hold the cells of the stratum spinosum tightly together?


What binds animal cells together?

Animal cells are mostly bound together by what are known as intercellular junctions. There are three types of cell junctions: anchoring junctions, tight junctions and gap junctions. Of these, anchoring junctions, which include adherens junction, desmosomes and hemidesmosomes, help bind the animal cells together, in an extracellular matrix.

Which cell junction is not illustrated and what is its function?

Desmosomes - anchoring junctions that hold adjacent cells together