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Q: The agar used most often for throat cultures is the?
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What is the name of the medium used to culture bacteria that is thought to be strep?

Streptococcus is commonly found in most routine cultures using blood agar plates. The medium is most commonly called BAP, sheep's blood agar or SBA for short.

When does strep throat most often happen?

Springtime is the peak of "strep throat season".

Where does scarlet fever occur most often?

It occurs most often around the throat where you can see red patches.

Difference between Luria agar and Luria broth?

Luria agar is Luria broth with the addition of 15 grams per liter agar. Agar is a solidifying agent that makes the liquid media solid at room temperature. Hence, luria agar would be a petri dish of agar while luria broth would be liquid to go in a tube or flask.

What is considered the most severe a throat infection or strep throat?

These are often the same thing: bacterial growths of the genus Streptococcus are a potentially severe form of throat infection (pharyngitis). However, most cases of strep throat are not serious. They are usually treated to avoid complications such as rheumatic fever.

How many grams in one teaspoon of agar agar powder?

Two grams per teaspoon. This is rarely called agar agar, it is only called that by companies attempting to overcharge you. The most common name is simply agar; however, it is also called agar rose.

How do you make pitri dish gel agar?

Agar is generally made by mixing the powdered form with varying ingredients. The powder is based on seaweed extract for nutrient agar, and nutrient agar is generally a base for most other agars - eg. Horse Blood Agar is nutrient agar with horses blood added; Choc agar has defibrinated (cooked) horses blood added.

What alternative procedures may be used to do a nasopharyngeal culture?

In most cases of upper respiratory tract infections, a throat culture is more appropriate than a nasopharyngeal culture. However, the nasopharyngeal culture should be used in cases where throat cultures are difficult to obtain or to.

How do primary strep infections work?

Primary strep infections invade healthy tissue, and most often affect the throat.

What kind of agar should be used to grow bacteria from hands before and after washing for a grade 8 science fair?

blood or nutrient agar would work, but blood agar will most likely grow more bacteria.

What disease is caused produced by strptococcus?

Streptococcus is a form of bacteria. It doesn't cause "diseases" but rather illnesses often cured by antibotics. The most common illness is "Strep Throat" which causes blisters on the throat and mouth.

Why is nutrient agar used for bacteria and not for fungi?

The components in the nutrient agar is enriching bacteria than fungi. fungus require additional nutrients which are formulated in fungal media. But in worst case, you can try either media for fungi or bacteria.