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The further apart two genes are on a chromosome, the less likely they are to be separated by a recombination (crossing-over) event.

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8y ago

The farther one gene is from another on a chromosome the more frequently they will be separated during the crossing over phase of meiosis.

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Q: The farther apart two genes are located on a chromosome the?
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The father apart two genes are located on a chromosome?

The farthest apart two genes are located on a chromosome the less likely they are to be inherited together. If two genes are on the same chromosome and rarely assort independently the genes are probably located close to each other.

Two genes are almost always found in the same gamete?

Two genes that are almost always found in the same gamete are probably located near each other on the same chromosome. Crossing over is more likely to occur with genes that are farther apart on the same chromosome.

What would most likely happen to the alleles for two different traits during meiosis if they were located on the same chromosome?

If the A allele represents the dominant allele at a specific locus and a represents the recessive allele for the same locus they cannot occupy the same locus on one chromosome. A heterozygous individual would have A on one chromosome and a on the other.

How does the distance between two genes or a gene and a centromere affect crossover frequencies?

The closer two genes are on a chromosome, the greater the genetic linkage, the farther apart the genes are, the more likely it is that a crossover event will separate them.

Where in the chromosome are genes located?


What is the result of two genes located on the same chromosome but they are far apart?

The fact that they consistently sort independently indicates that they are far apart on the chromosome.

What is it called when genes are located on the same chromosome?

Genes on the same chromosome are said to be linked.

What are located on chromosomes?

Genes are located within every chromosome.

Which law applies only for genes located on different pairs of chromosomes or far apart on the same chromosome pair?

The law of independent assortment.

The law of independent assortment applies only to genes that are?

The law of independent assortment applies only to genes that are located on different chromosomes or are far apart on the same chromosome. Allele are alternative forms of a gene.

What is a sex-linked genes?

It is a gene located on either sex chromosome (X or Y chromosome).

Two genes for two different traits located on the same chromosome are said to be?

linked genes