

The first genes on earth were probably?

Updated: 6/14/2024
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12y ago

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>Adam and eve's!! look in genesis in The pretty much tells you how the >whole world was made.......

>the first living and breathing creature created in the bible were birds, then there >were the animals in the water, and the animals on land, then it was Adam, and >God saw he was lonely, so he made Eve. It is all in the first chapter of Genesis.

>>not quite. sorry buddy, I'm pretty sure that's not the answer someone doing bio >>homework is looking for. the real answer is that the first genes on earth were >>probably self replicating, catalytic RNA molecules.

LOL the 1st attempt was answering with a fairy tale

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1mo ago

The first genes on Earth were likely simple sequences of RNA that were capable of self-replication. These proto-genes would have possessed the ability to store and transmit information, laying the foundation for the development of more complex genetic systems over time.

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What were probably the first living things?

The first living things on Earth were likely single-celled organisms such as prokaryotes, like bacteria and archaea. They appeared around 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago in early Earth's oceans.

Can you get your eye color from grandparent?

Yes, it is possible to inherit eye color from a grandparent. Eye color is a complex trait determined by multiple genes, so it is possible for certain combinations of genes to result in a grandchild having a similar eye color to a grandparent.

The father apart two genes are located on a chromosome?

The farther apart two genes are located on a chromosome, the more likely they are to be separated during crossing over in meiosis. This means they are more likely to be inherited independently of each other, leading to increased genetic diversity.

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Scientists believe that the first living cells on Earth were likely anaerobic heterotrophs because early Earth lacked oxygen, and these organisms do not require oxygen for their metabolism. Anaerobic heterotrophs can obtain the carbon compounds they need for energy from organic molecules in their environment, making them well-suited for the conditions of early Earth.

Is it true that the functions are unknown for over 50 of discovered genes?

Yes, it is true that the functions of many genes remain unknown even among the genes that have been discovered. While we have identified a large number of genes through genome sequencing efforts, the specific functions of many of these genes have yet to be fully characterized. Further research is needed to uncover the roles these genes play in various biological processes.

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