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Hydrogen Ions

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Q: The flow of what particle across the thylakoid membrane powers the production of ATP?
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In photosynthesis an H plus ion gradient froms across what?

across the thylakoid membrane

Where do light dependent and light independent reaction take place?

across the thylakoid membrane

Which of the following best describes the direct mechanism of ATP production during photosynthesis?

Protons are pumped across the thylakoid membrane, where they flow back through ATP synthase which synthesizes ATP.

What is the function of a lumen?

The thylakoid lumen is the compartment bounded by the thylakoid membrane. It plays a vital role for photophosphorylation during photosynthesis. During the light-dependent reaction, protons are pumped across the thylakoid membrane into the lumen making it acidic down to pH 4.

Energy used to establish the protein gradient across the thylakoid membrane comes from where?

Synthesis of ATP

What is the function of lumen?

The thylakoid lumen is the compartment bounded by the thylakoid membrane. It plays a vital role for photophosphorylation during photosynthesis. During the light-dependent reaction, protons are pumped across the thylakoid membrane into the lumen making it acidic down to pH 4.

Chemiosmosis in the thylakoid membrane is directly responsible for?

Chemiosmosis in the thylakoid membrane results in the synthesis of ATP during light reaction. Thylakoid membranes contain proteins. These proteins make use of light energy to drive electron transport chains. This generates a chemiosmotic potential across the thylakoid membrane and NADPH. The ATP synthase enzyme uses the chemiosmotic potential to make ATP during photo- phosphorylation.

What happens if the particle is too large to get across the membrane?

The cell use something called a protein channel that helps larger particles across the cell membrane.

Were does the energy to move hydrogen ions across the thylakoid membrane come from?

where does the energy used to establish the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane come from? In other words, from splitting of water. well that's not what he said but there you go.

What uses energy from the high-energy electrons to transport hydrogen across the thylakoid membrane?

Electron transport chain

What is the of ATP synthase in photosynthesis?

The pigment molecules and electron transport chains involved in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis are embedded in the thylakoid membrane. As energy is released from electrons traveling through the chain of acceptors, it is used to pump protons (that is, H+ ions) from the stroma of the chloroplast across the thylakoid membrane and into the center of the thylakoid. Thus, protons accumlate within the thylakoids, lowering the pH of the thylakoid interior and making it more acidic. A proton gradient possesses potential energy that can be used to form ATP.Protons are prevented from diffusing out of the thylakoid because the thylakoid membrane is impermeable to protons except at certain points bridged by an enzyme called ATP synthase. This protein extends across the thylakoid membrane and forms a channel through which protons can leave the thylakoid. As the protons pass through ATP synthetase, energy is released, and this energy is tapped by ATP synthase to form ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. The coupling of ATP synthesis to a protein gradient formed by energy released during electron transport is called chemiosmosis.

What is the role of synthase in photosynthesis?

The pigment molecules and electron transport chains involved in the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis are embedded in the thylakoid membrane. As energy is released from electrons traveling through the chain of acceptors, it is used to pump protons (that is, H+ ions) from the stroma of the chloroplast across the thylakoid membrane and into the center of the thylakoid. Thus, protons accumlate within the thylakoids, lowering the pH of the thylakoid interior and making it more acidic. A proton gradient possesses potential energy that can be used to form ATP.Protons are prevented from diffusing out of the thylakoid because the thylakoid membrane is impermeable to protons except at certain points bridged by an enzyme called ATP synthase. This protein extends across the thylakoid membrane and forms a channel through which protons can leave the thylakoid. As the protons pass through ATP synthetase, energy is released, and this energy is tapped by ATP synthase to form ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. The coupling of ATP synthesis to a protein gradient formed by energy released during electron transport is called chemiosmosis.