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Q: The frequency with which crossing over occurs between two linked genes depends on?
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What is the mechanism that breaks the linkage between linked genes?

crossing over

How can crossing-over between two alleles be used to map their locations on chromosomes?

Crossing over during meiosis sometimes separates genes that had been on the same chromosome onto homologous chromosomes. Cross over events occasionally separate and exchange linked genes and produce new combinations of alleles... - Angelica Smith

What does a frequency of recombination of 50 percent indicate?

A recombination frequency is a measure of how likely it is that two genes are linked. It will also tell how likely it is that a crossing over event will occur between those two genes. Thus, for an RF=50% it is random as to whether or not the genes will be inherited together or whether crossing over will separate them (i.e. they independently assort). Traditionally, following Mendel's Second Law (that alleles of genes independently assort), an RF=50% means that the two genes are on different chromosomes; a slightly more complicated corollary is that the two genes need not be on different chromosomes but may be on the same chromosome just very far apart from each other. Thus, the smaller the RF (maximum RF is 50%), the more likely it is that two genes are linked.

When gene are linked the reason a few of the recombinant genotypes still occur in the offspring is because of?

Crossing over.

Explain how crossing over can unlink genes?

crossing over can unlink genes because when crossing over occurs it a portion of one chromosome is replaced by a region of a homologous chromosome and during this the alleles that were presently on that linked gene could possibly be separated

Related questions

The frequency of crossing over between any two linked genes will be What?

greater the further apart they are.

What is the mechanism that breaks the linkage between linked genes?

crossing over

How can crossing-over between two alleles be used to map their locations on chromosomes?

Crossing over during meiosis sometimes separates genes that had been on the same chromosome onto homologous chromosomes. Cross over events occasionally separate and exchange linked genes and produce new combinations of alleles... - Angelica Smith

When crossing-over occurs what genes stay together?

linked genes

What is linked genes in a sentence?

The genes present on same chromosomes are sometimes linked to each other that inherit collectively are linked genes and can be separated by crossing over

How can new combinations of alleles be created when genes are linked?

New combinations of alleles can be created when genes are linked through a process called crossing over during meiosis. Crossing over occurs when homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material, resulting in the mixing of alleles between the two chromosomes. This process leads to the creation of new combinations of alleles and contributes to genetic variation in the population.

Linked genes can be separated from each other in meiosis if . occurs?

crossing over

All waves can be described by three closely linked characteristics?

Amplitude, wavelength, and frequency

What affect does frequency have on the amplitude of a wave?

None whatsoever. The two are not linked in any way.

How are microwaves and mobiles linked?

Only similarity between a microwave and mobile is that both uses a electromagnetic radiation but of different frequency for its operation. Microwaves uses micro waves to heat up food molecules where as mobile phone uses radio wave frequency.

Can linked genes ever be separated?

crossing over(recombination)

What does a frequency of recombination of 50 percent indicate?

A recombination frequency is a measure of how likely it is that two genes are linked. It will also tell how likely it is that a crossing over event will occur between those two genes. Thus, for an RF=50% it is random as to whether or not the genes will be inherited together or whether crossing over will separate them (i.e. they independently assort). Traditionally, following Mendel's Second Law (that alleles of genes independently assort), an RF=50% means that the two genes are on different chromosomes; a slightly more complicated corollary is that the two genes need not be on different chromosomes but may be on the same chromosome just very far apart from each other. Thus, the smaller the RF (maximum RF is 50%), the more likely it is that two genes are linked.