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the Ia fibres of the muscle spindles

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Q: The myotatic reflex is provoked by activation of What in a stretched muscle?
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What is an injury caused by a muscle being overstretched?

When a muscle is over stretched it is called hyperextension. This is sometimes called a pulled muscle. It can be anywhere from minor to severe.

Why is the knee jerk reflex exaggerated when clenching a book?

Clenching an unrelated muscle group whilst inducing a refllex causes activation of gamma motneurones which inervate intrafusal muscle fibers causing them to be more sensitive to strech. A hightened sensitivity this causes and increased reflex response.

How does a stretch reflex occur?

The receptor in the reflex arc of a stretch reflex are 'muscle spindles' which are spindle shaped receptors distributed throughout the belly of the muscle. when the muscle gets stretched , muscle spindle is stimulated and it sends proprioceptive impulses via sensory afferent fibers in posterior root to anterior horn cells of the spinal cord. Motor impulses from anterior horn cells via motor efferent fibers in anterior root to muscle.

Is a squat eccentric or concentric?

Both. Concentric: Exercise where the muscle is contracted under a load Eccentric: Exercise where the muscle is stretched under a load. So when you squat down its eccentric, when you come back up its concentric. Most exercises are both, with a few exceptions (i.e. jumping of a wall is mainly eccentric, while a punch is mainly concentric. Eccentric contraction is associated with increased muscle growth, but also DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness, when your muscles are very sore after a workout).

If most subjects use their dominant forearm more than their non dominant forearm what does this indicate about the degree of activation of motor units and these factors muscle fiber diameter?

If the subject uses their dominant forearm more, that forearm can attain more force. The greater the force, the greater the degree of activation of motor units. However, in most cases, the non-dominant forearm generally can attain more force.

Related questions

What are two types of static stretching?

Static stretching are low-force, long duration stretches that evoke a temporary increase in muscle tension due to muscle lengthening. After 7 to 10 seconds of a low-force stretch, the increase in muscle tension activates a GTO (golgi tendon organ) response. Under GTO activation, muscle spindle activity within the stretched muscle is temporarily inhibited, allowing further muscle stretching.Dynamic stretching are low-grade muscle contractions of an antagonist (a muscle that acts in opposition of another) muscle for 6 to 15 seconds inhibit or reduce muscle spindle activity within a agonist muscle. This reduces muscle tonicity, allowing that muscle to be stretched.

What tissue can contract and be stretched but not expand?


When a muscle pulls what happens?

you have then stretched your tendon / muscle beyond the normal range .

What are the injuries found in a muscle strain?

A strain is a torn or stretched muscle or tendon.

Does muscle contraction always promote movement?

No , a muscle may be stretched with out movement .

When the arm is stretched the biceps muscle will become?


A strain is an injury in which a muscle?

Over stretched or torn

What injury occurs when a muscle is over stretched?


What happens to muscle force production when the muscle is too short?

Force produced is reduced, when the muscle is over-stretched or under-stretched it is weaker. Most muscles will produce max force at roughly 90 degrees.

When a muscle is stretched by a contraction of the opposing muscle it is called?

if you're on OdysseyWare your answer would be Active stretching.............. =)

When a muscle is suddenly stretched what is called to action?

Stretch Reflex

What muscle do you stretch when you do the butterfly stretch?

Your groin is being stretched.