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i think Interphase.

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Q: The non-dividing cell is in what when the chromosomes are not distinct and the genetic material is replicated in preparation for division?
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What does DNA coil up into when it is ready to divide?

In the nondividing cell, DNA tends to be a loose collection of chromatin. In the run-up to cell division, the DNA will coil itself up into distinct chromosomes.

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What During the metaphase of mitosis chromosomes do what?

They are replicated and then one set goes to each of the two new cells. The result is two cells with the same genetic material. This is distinct from meiosis, where the chromosomes replicate and then pair up, two cell divisions occur, and each of 4 daughter cells has 1/2 of the genetic material

What structure are becoming visible as distinct bodies within the nucleus during prophase?


What structures are becoming visable as distinct bodies within the nucleus during prophase?


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Does chromosomes become most distinct duriing cell reproduction?

During prophase

Is the nucleus found in the nucleus?

There are several things.Nucleolus and chromosomes are distinct.

Describe a significance event that occurs in each of the four stages of mitosis?

In prophase, the genetic material in the nucleus is in a loosely bundled coil (chromatin). The Chromatin condense together into a highly ordered structure called a chromosome. Since the genetic material has already been duplicated, the replicated chromosomes have two sister chromatids, bound together at the centromere. In metaphase, microtubules find and attach to the centromeres of the chromosomes, and pull the chromosomes where they convene along the metaphase plate (middle of the cell). In anaphase, the sister chromatids are cleaved, allowing them to separate into distinct sister chromosomes, and are pulled apart by shortening the microtubules. This causes the chromosomes tom move toward the respective ends of the cell to which they are attached. Finally, in telophase microtubules continue to lengthen, elongating the cell even more. Corresponding sister chromosomes attach at opposite ends of the cell. A new nuclear envelope forms around each set of separated sister chromosomes. Both sets of chromosomes, now surrounded by new nuclei, unfold back into chromatin. Cytokinesis also occurs in which the cell breaks (furrows) into two distinct cells.

What does chromatin remind you of?

Chromatin is all of the DNA, RNA, and protein wound up inside the nucleus. I guess you could kind of look at it as a tangled up bowl of spaghetti. The bowl is the nucleus membrane and the spaghetti is the chromatin.

How is DNA related to the chromosomes found in the nucleus of a cell?

Chromosomes are made up of DNA and proteins. The DNA acts as a complete set of instructions that tells our bodies how to develop. Each organism has a distinct number of chromosomes, in humans, every cell contains 46 chromosomes.

When do chromosomes become visible in the nucleus of a cell?

During prophase, the first stage of mitosis, the chromosomes become visible as distinct structures. The nuclear envelope also now breaks down, and a spindle forms.