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the node, leaves are attached to the node by the petiole

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Q: The point on a stem to which a leaf or bud is attached is termed the?
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What is a leaf diagram?

In statistics this is usually termed a stem-leaf plot. To see some I suggest going to and querying for stem leaf plot.

What is the definition of petiole leaf?

It is the slender stalk by which the leaf is attached to the stem - in short, the leafstalk, or the stem or pedicle

What are simple leaves?

One leaf attached to a stem.

What is the main part of a leaf called?

Each leaf typically has a leaf blade ( lamina ), stipules, a midrib, and a margin. Some leaves have a petiole, which attaches the leaf to the stem; leaves that do not have petioles are directly attached to the plant stem and are called sessile leaves.

What is the point at which leaf grows on the herbaceuns and wood stem?

A node.

How is typical monocot leaf attached to the stem?

Monocot leaves have their leaf veins arranged parallel to each other and the long axis of the leaf (parallel vennation).

How many leaves on a petunia?

Petunia leaves are sessile which means they grow without a leaf stem attached to the main stem. The leaves are opposite.

What is thallus sessile?

A plant body undifferentiated into stem, root, or leaf stalkless and attached directly at the base

What are the name of the stalk of a leaf?

PetioleThe stalk by which a leaf is attached to a stem. Also called Leafstalk.

What is the difference between a graph and stem and leaf plot?

A graph and stem is different to a leaf plot because in a leaf plot, there is a stem and leaf in a plot, while in a graph and stem, there is a leaf and stem in a graph.

What is point of the attachment of a leaf to a stem?

So the leaf will live and create carbon dioxide to make oxygen and we live.

What is the stem on a stem and leaf plot?

The let side of a stem a stem and leaf plot