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Q: Todays CPUs are formed using a process called?
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How are proteins formed by using the concept of using polymerization?

Proteins are formed by using the concept of using polymerization. This is a process whereby the amino aids are polymerized to form polypeptides or proteins.

What is the process of using things called?

using things

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it is called ELECTROLYSIS.

What is the process where organic compounds such as glucose are formed by using co2 atp and nadph?

calvin cycle

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This process is called distillation.

What is it called with you can form a word using the letters of another word?

The process of forming a word using the letters of another word is called an anagram.

What is using a net in a pond called?

ponddipping is the process of using a net in the water.

What is the name of the process of a plant using food?

that process is called reproduction because it is using the food it makes for a second time

The process where energy is released from glucose without using oxygen is called what?

Without using oxygen the process is called an anaerobic process. The amount of energy is much less (2ATP) compared to aerobic (36 ATP).

Does a plant break down sugar and releases energy using a process called femantation?

Yes they break down sugar and realeses energy using a process called femantation

What is the process called that makes ammonia?

The Harbor process...? i think :) well you can make ammonia using the harbor process.

When you remember something your mind is using a process called what?
