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Mainly through the chemically quite simple process called chemical diffusion.

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12y ago

Passive Transport occurs when molecules are moving from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Passive transport includes diffusion, facilitated diffusion and osmosis.

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When nutrients pass through the cell membrane of the cell

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Q: Under what conditions will passive transport occur?
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Why is energy required in passive transport to occur?

Energy is not required for passive transport.

How can active transport differ from passive transport?

Active transport can occur against a diffusion gradient ("uphill flow).

Passive transport occur when small particles move from?

outside a cell

Is mineral movement into plant root an active transport or passive transport?

You'll have to be more specific. It can be either. The distinguishing feature is that active transport requires energy to occur, passive does not

What is the defference between active transpors and passive transport?

The difference between active and passive transport, is that, active transport, requires energy input from the cell, in order to occur, unlike passive, which occurs, without any energy input.

What makes passive transport passive?

Passive transport is called passive because it doesn't require chemical energy intervention to occur. The four main types of passive transport are diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and filtration.

Diffusion across a membrane that requires no energy to occur is a process known as?

this is known as "passive transport"

What is the differece between passive and active transport?

Active transport is the movement of molecules across a membrane requiring energy to be expanded by the cell. ACTIVE TRANSPORT REQUIRES ENERGY. Passive transport is diffusion across a membrane requiring only random motion of molecules with no energy expanded by the cell. PASSIVE TRANSPORT REQUIRES NO ENERGY.

Is there Concentration in Passive Transport?

Absolutely, in order for passive transport to occur, the concentration on one side of the membrane must be larger than the concentration on the other side of the membrane. The molecules move from higher to lower concentration.

Does diffusion require the cell to respire?

Diffusion is a form of passive transport, so nothing is required for it to occur.

How is active transportation different from passive transportation?

The movement of materials across the cell membrane without using cellular energy is called passive transport. The movement of materials against a concentration difference is known as active transport. Active transport requires energy.

Is diffusiona type of passive transport or active transport?

Passive transport is where materials are transported across a membrane without the use of stored energy. Active transport is where materials are transported across a membrane using ATP, or another source of stored cellular energy. Diffusion is where solutes flow across a membrane in response to a concentration gradient, and requires no energy input to occur. Therefore, diffusion is a form of passive transport.