

What 4 bases make up DNA?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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13y ago

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adenine thymine cytosine guanine

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Q: What 4 bases make up DNA?
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How many bases make up a DNA?

4 nitrogenous bases make up a DNA. Cytosine,Guanine ,Thymine,& Adenine T goes with A C goes with G they are base pairs.

What 4 chemicals make up DNA strands?

more than 4 chemicals make it up but the 4 nitrogen bases are adinine guanine cytosine and thymine

What is the connection between the nucleus and the base Adenine?

Dna consists of 4 bases, adenine is one of the four bases. the 4 bases makes up nucleotide which is a small part of dna. the dna is a small part of a chromosome which is contained in the nucleus

How many bases make up DNA?

their are 4

How many bases are in DNA and what are the names of the bases?

There are 4 bases in DNA: adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine.

The DNA molecule has four different kinds of these?

DNA molecules have four different kinds of bases. These bases pair up with one another in order to make DNA.

How many different types of nitrogen bases are in dna?

There are four major types of bases in DNA. They include adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine (A,G,C,T). However, we now know by a recent report in Science journal there are at least 8 bases in DNA. They include methylated C bases, and two intermediates of the methylation process. One might predict that other modifications of DNA probably occur, and will be discovered as the fine structure of DNA is examined more closely. Therefore, it is probably more scientifically correct to say that there are four MAJOR types of bases in DNA.

What are the 4 letters of the DNA code?

AGCU or AGCT are letters that stand for 4 nucleobases. In RNA, the bases are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Uracil (RNA bases). In DNA, the bases are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine (DNA bases).

What are the 4 bases that a DNA nucleotide could have?

The four DNA bases are: Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine