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forward spinal flexion

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Q: What Joint movements are involved in walking up the stairs?
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Related questions

What are three types of joints involved in walking?

the ball-and-socket joint, hinge joint, and glide joint

What is the simplest joint movements?

gliding movements

Which joint allows the hip to climb the stairs?

The answer is a ball-and-socket joint.

Joint movements of heading a football?

pivot joint

Which type of joint allows hip to climb stairs?

The answer is a ball-and-socket joint.

Which type of joint allows the hip to climb stairs?

The answer is a ball-and-socket joint.

What are the simplest joint movement?

Gliding Movements

What does a knee joint do?

In addition to simple flexion (bending) and extension (straightening) movements, the knee joint is designed to allow for rotation, gliding, and rolling movements.

What does coordination mean?

Coordination is the ability to repeatedly execute a sequence of movements smoothly and accurately. This may involve the senses, muscular contractions and joint movements. Everything that we participate in requires the ability to coordinate our limbs to achieve a successful outcome - from walking to the more complex movements of athletic events like the pole vault.

What joint helps the body to make a laurge range of movements?

ball and socket joint

What joint allows the body to use the hips to climb the stairs?

Ball and socket:))))

What is joint arthrokinematics?

the general term for the specific movements of joint surfaces. Normal joint surface movement is necessary to ensure long-term joint integrity. (Joint surface movements are sometimes called joint play motions or component motions). Joint surfaces move with respect to one another by simultaneously (1) rolling, (2) gliding, and (3) spinning.