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Our eyes can see in a wider place or area, while the camera can see only in one position or direction.


The human eye has an auto-focusing system with a greater range than practically any lens, and a peripheral clarity greater than the average fish-eye lens.

The ability to enhance low-light vision through the use of separate black-and-white receptors (cones) gives eyes a low-light night vision, although not on a par with infrared or starlight scopes.

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1mo ago

The human eye has a wider dynamic range than most cameras, allowing it to adapt to various lighting conditions. Additionally, it has the ability to perceive depth and dimension more effectively through binocular vision. The eye also has a higher resolution in the central part of the field of view compared to most cameras.

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11y ago

Eye, can identify small targets (Object). the advantage of RADAR when Night time.

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Q: What advantages does the human eye have over the camera?
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How many lenses does the human eye have?

The human eye typically has one lens, which is located behind the iris. This lens helps to focus light onto the retina at the back of the eye, which then sends signals to the brain for processing visual information.

A certain type of cell that is clearly visible to the human eye?

Human egg cell (ovum) is clearly visible to the human eye without the need for a microscope. It is one of the largest cells in the human body, measuring around 0.1mm in diameter.

What organ of the body does the camera most resemble?

The camera most closely resembles the eye in the human body. Both organs are responsible for capturing images or visual information and sending signals to the brain for processing and interpretation. They both have a lens to focus light and a mechanism for adjusting the amount of light that enters.

What is the function of crystalline lens in the human eye?

The primary function of crystallline lens is to adjust focus of eye on objects at different distances.This adjustment of focus is similar to the focussing of a photographers camera ,and is contolled by the nervous system which activate the muscles around the lens to alter its shape and hence refractive power. So the answer is to adjustment of pupil.

Does the human eye have bones?

(the human eye does not have bones it has only a bone at the back of it and it is called orbital organ why do i say that the human eye have bones? well i cant explain that because im an 9 year old see nobody can tell if the human eye is a smooth muscle or a skelatal muscle or both well thanks for reading my answer my name is mariah jan louise dl labuguen) That is very good answer for the nine years old child. The human eye does not have bone in it. The eye is surrounded by bony socket from all the sides, except the front side. Multiple bones are involved in this. each eye has got six skeletal muscles around it. Inside the eye you have smooth muscles.

Related questions

What is the advantages of the human eye over the camera?

The primary advantages are:Sensitivity range (we can see in much brighter and dimmer light situations)The processing done to the image by our brains

What are the similarities and the differences between a camera and the human eye?

The human eye can be compared to a photographic camera because the pupil of the eye and the shutter on a camera, is what controls the amount of light let in. As for differences, a human eye is alive while a camera is an inanimate object invented by man.

What are similarities and differences between a camera and a human eye?

The human eye can be compared to a photographic camera because the pupil of the eye and the shutter on a camera, is what controls the amount of light let in. As for differences, a human eye is alive while a camera is an inanimate object invented by man.

What are the similarities and differences between a camera and human eye?

The human eye can be compared to a photographic camera because the pupil of the eye and the shutter on a camera, is what controls the amount of light let in. As for differences, a human eye is alive while a camera is an inanimate object invented by man.

Which machine looks like human eye?


How does human eye and the camera related?

by their lenses...

What are the difference between the human eye and a camera?

These are some of the differences between the camera and the human eye.the human eyes uses living cells while the camera is artificial,the eye focus the image using the retina while the camera changes the position of the lenses,the amount of light enters the eye is control by the iris while in camera it is by the diaphragm,

What was the best camera ever made?

human eye

What are the differences between a human eye and a camera?

A human eye is biological and can adapt to different lighting conditions, while a camera uses mechanical components to capture images. The human eye has a wider field of view and better depth perception compared to a camera. However, a camera can capture finer details and has the ability to adjust settings for different effects.

What is the difference between human eye and pinhole camera?

pin whole camera captures the scenery into single photo and then nobody knows what happened before and after. While human eye gives constant view. camera is man made consisting of many small machinery. in human eye there are many cells. camera is of different shapes but eye is spherical. camera is kept in a pouch while human eye is protected by orbits.

What is the resolution of the human eye?

The human eye is about 576 megapixels. Only about seven megapixels really matter however. The anatomy of the eye is different from a camera so it works a little bit differently.

What are the differences between a camera and a human eye?

1. The camera is a machine, while the eye is alive.2. The camera converts the image right side up, while the eye turns the image up-side-down.3. The human eye is much more complex and hooked to the brain.