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Bacteria are part of chemical cycles during which they release essential elements such as carbon and nitrogen for recycling.

Bacteria decompose dead and decaying organic matter, assist animal digestion of food, and produce chemicals such as ethyl alcohol, butyl alcohol, acetic acid, and acetone. Bacteria also aid in the production of food products such as cheese, butter, sauerkraut, coffee, wine, and cocoa.

Bacteria can be an integral part of the manufacture of silk, cotton, and rubber.

Bacteria synthesize certain antibiotics.

Bacteria that can digest and dissolve hydrocarbons are used to clean up oil spills.

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12y ago

Benefits of microorganisms to humans:


Microorganisms are involved in the production of food or are directly edible.

Examples: - Various types of yeast (a type of fungus): Used for the production of beer, bread, and cheese. spirulinais a blue green algae used as SCP (single cell protein) in human beings for their protein source.


It may come as a surprise but there are several billion times more bacterial cells inside your body than there are human cells. They make up the human flora. Luckily, some live in a mutualistic relationship to you. That is, they receive something (generally nutrients) from you, but also give something in return. The presence of bacteria also inhibits the growth of potentially pathogenic bacteria (usually through competitive exclusion).

Examples: - Gut bacteria: synthesize vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin K and biotin, and they ferment complex indigestible carbohydrates.

---Of special note is E. Coli - innate to the gut of everyone, this bacteria is a major part of the immune system (you get sick when some other species' E. Coli enters your body).


We have vastly developed or discovered direct uses for microorganisms in recent years. Modern biotechnology is often associated with the use of genetically altered microorganisms such as E. coli or yeast for the production of substances like synthetic insulin or antibiotics. Using the same process, a multitude of drugs are manufactured relatively cheaply, including human growth hormone, clotting factors for hemophiliacs, fertility drugs, erythropoietin and other drugs.

Biotechnological advances in agriculture also require the help of microorganisms. Transgenic plants can increase yield, reduce vulnerability to environmental and pathogenic stresses, improve taste and appearance and produce novel plant substances. To create transgenic plants, a vector, Agrobacterium, is required to transfer genetic material into the plant host.

Micro-organisms also naturally have desired products or effects. These include substances that fight human pathogens, insecticidal properties, and bio-degradation properties, to name a few.

In fact, advances in the understanding of biological phenomena, the science of Biology that facilitates medical, agricultural, and food advances, are not possible without model microorganisms including: E. coli, B. subtilis, Phage λ, Tobacco mosaic virus, and S. cerevisiae to name a few.


As humans are eukaryotes, our genome is extremely difficult to truly decode due to processes such as exon shuffling, the genetic "junk" and likely dozens of other observed aspects of our genome.

Naturally, many people with genetic defects need a constant supply of medicines (diabetics will be used from here on out in this section). Creating insulin in a lab was very difficult before the onset of cDNA, which (long story made really really short) is placing the human insulin gene into yeast or another simple eukaryote. Thankfully, all eukaryotic cells "know" how to process our genome and human hormones can be made in vivo in laboratories in greater quantity than ever before


Microbes are involved in cycling vital elements such as carbon and nitrogen, breaking down wastes and dead organisms into simpler substances plants can use in photosynthesis. Other species are at the base of the food chain, especially in aquatic ecosystems. Even pathogens have a role in controlling the populations of their host species.

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10y ago

They are beneficial in food production, such as in yeast, beer, cheese, and wine or bacteria in yogurt.

Intestinal flora aid in digestion.

Some bacteria can be used for drug synthesis; for instance Humulin is synthesized by escherichia coli.

Microbes such as fungi, protazoa, and bacteria often serve as decomposers breaking down wastes from consumers and returing nutrients into the food cycle.

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12y ago

1.fungi makes wine.

2.fungi makes bread softer

3.bakteria makes curd.

4. Many microorganims used in making antibiotics and also now they are used in gene therapy

5. Microorganisms helps in cleaning environment by eating up waste material so called decomposers.

these are some uses of microbes which are small organisms which are not visible by the naked human eye.

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12y ago

Micro-organisms are helpful because they make food we eat, such as cheese and yogurt; certain types live in the intestines and help digest food and destroy harmful bacteria; bacteria on human skin helps protect us from fungal infections; and they are used to make Antibiotics.

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12y ago

Used in production of foods like Yogurt (Lactobacillus), and in the preparation of antibiotics (penicillin)

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14y ago

microbes are good because without them we wouldn't have bread or pickles

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