

What are discomforts of hemmorhoids?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Rectal bleeding, pain and itching. For more information, here's an informative article on Hemmorhoid Treatment:

"How to Treat Hemmorhoids with Natural Remedies"

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Q: What are discomforts of hemmorhoids?
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How long do hemmorhoids last?

Babes I am Arya Sanal I live in Clayhall and I couldn't have sex for two weeks because of this. BTW I am 10

Do hemorrhoids bleed?

It doesn't really matter how you spell it, hemorrhoids hurt! Many people are embarrased to talk about the subject so they suffer quietly, not really knowing where to turn or what to do. What are hemmorhoids? Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a swelling or inflammation of some of the blood veins in the rectum and/or anus. . Internal Hemmorhoids form inside the rectum. These are usually not painful due to the fact that there are no pain receptors in that are. They may, however, bleed when irritated. Internal hemorrhoids can lead to prolapsed or strangulated hemorrhoids if left untreated. External hemorrhoids occur outside of the anal canal. the swelling and irritation can be very painful. The hemmorhoid may become what is known as a thrombosed hemmorhoid if the vein ruptures and a bllodclot develops. The causes of hemorrhoids may include constipation, chronic diarrhea, pregnancy, postponing bowel movements, and fiber-deprived diet. It is also believed that genetics also contribute. Not drinking enough water can cause hard stools leading to irritation to the hemmorhoid. This can also be caused by drinking too much of a diuretic liquid such as coffee or cokes. Excessive lactic acid in the stool caused by excessive consumption of milk products can be reduced by limiting the amount of dairy products in your diet. This may lessen the irritation and bring relief. Additional factors that can cause hemeroids, for those with a genetic predisposition, are obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Treatments for hemeroids can be broken down into two categories: non surgical and surgical. The non surgical options for treatment of hemeroids are designed to relieve the symptoms of hemeroids. They include: Tub baths or Sitz baths several times a day in plain, warm water for about 10 minutes Application of a hemorroidal cream Suppositories placed in the rectum The surgical options for removal of hemorrhoids include: Rubber band ligation - A rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid inside the rectum. Cutting off blood circulation causes the hemmorhoid to wither away within days. Sclerotherapy - A chemical solution injected around the blood vessel shrinks the hemorrhoid. Infrared coagulation - Hemorrhoidal tissue is burned with a special device. Hemorrhoidectomy - Occasionally, extensive or severe internal or external hemorrhoids may require removal by surgery known as hemorrhoidectomy. Preventing the recurrence of hemorrhoids will require relieving the pressure and straining of constipation. Doctors will often recommend increasing fiber and fluids in the diet. Eating the right amount of fiber and drinking six to eight glasses of fluid (not alcohol) result in softer, bulkier stools. A softer stool makes emptying the bowels easier and lessens the pressure on hemorrhoids caused by straining. To prevent the hemorrhoids from protruding you should try to eliminate straining.

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Itching in hemmorhoids is caused by the pressure applied on inflamed veins in the rectal area. This symptom can be relieved in various ways: take a sitz bath (traditional home hemmorhoid treatment), apply a soothing cream and wear loose cotton underwear.

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Here's an informative article on How to Treat Hemorrhoids with Natural Remedies: See the link below

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