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Q: What does it mean when you bleed from the anus eunexpectly?
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What does your anus bleed?

Bleeding from the anus can be caused by a couple of things. The first is hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are inflamed, irritated blood vessels in the rectum. Sometimes they can bleed when you have a bowel movement. This is not anything to worry about, unless the bleeding is severe, or does not stop. Another reason blood could come from the anus would be some sort of internal bleeding. Intestinal polyps or stomach ulcers can bleed into the intestines and be passed through the anus. This can be a potentially serious condition, since the body is slowly losing an unknown amount of blood. If you are unsure of the origin of the bleeding, please see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Does big poop stretch out your anus permanently or does it revert back to normal?

Having a large bowel movement a few times will not injure the anus permanently. However you might get a fissure (a small cut) around the anus that may bleed a little. This is usually nothing to worry about.

What does the term anal mean?

Rectum is the scientific term for the last piece of colon of our digestive trackt. It has muscles used to push excrement out of your colon. The rectum is connected to the anus, which is 'the opening'. The muscles used to keep the anus closed is called the sphincter muscle, this is a circular muscle.

What does it mean when your tonsils bleed?

It means you should see a doctor you might have an infection.

What is a womens anus?

The anus is another term for the opening at the end of your GI tract.

Related questions

Is it normal for your anus to bleed?

not if your a backdoor virgin.

Why does a women anus bleed and it hurts?

You probably have a hemorrhoid and should go see doctor, the pain might mean that it is infected.

What are the black spots around the anus that bleed?

not another with bum grapes

Should you bleed from the anus after pooping?

I'm going to safely answer no! you should not

If your heart stops will you continue to bleed from nose or a cut?

you bleed from your anus. its scary it happend to me.. 1st i was liek :| but then i lold xD

What do you do when your anus itches and bleed everytime you use the bathroom?

If your a girl it is probably a period

Do Yorkies ever bleed on their butt holes?

yes they do, all dogs do when they're in heat

Does hemorrhoids burn after going to bathroom and bleed?

Yes.Bleeding its often a sing of a a blood vesel in anus its ruptured .

Bleeding from the anus when going to the bathroom is this normal?

Yes, it is completely normal to bleed from your anus when taking a dump. I normally spew out so much blood, there is more blood then Excrement.

Why is it that my anus started to bleed after I pooped today?

1) gross....... 2) its because you pooped a huge thing out of your anus and then the little slit that it comes out gets stretched and thus you start bleeding........

Is it normal to bleed from your anus when not on your period?

It is never normal to bleed from your anus, any more than it's normal to bleed from your skin. If this is a one-time event, monitor it but don't panic; it could be something as minor as a hemorrhoid flareup. If the bleeding continues, or is accompanied by pain or cramps, have someone take you over to your hospital's emergency room. Better safe (and embarrassed) than sorry.

Why is your dog anus bleed and why is she throwing up mucus?

Uhh... yeah I would take your dog to the vet...