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Q: What are non-coding sequences in pre-mRNA called?
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What is the part of a strand of DNA with regulatory sequences?

Noncoding gene sequences control gene expression. You may also be thinking of what is called "junk DNA" which is not junk. We just do not know what all of it codes for.

Why is the outdated term junk DNA a misnomer for noncoding regions of the human genome?

The conservation of "junk DNA" sequences in diverse genomes suggests that they have important functions.

Noncoding portion of DNA is composed of?

A noncoding portion of DNA is called an intron, and is composed of codons that will eventually be removed after transcription when the final mature strand of mRNA is produced.

What is internal noncoding regions of RNA?


The set of three nitrogen bases on tRNA that is complementary to an mRNA codon is called?

These nucleotide sequences are called anticodons.

What are internal non coding regions of RNA called?

Internal noncoding regions of RNA are called introns. They are segments of an RNA molecule that interrupt the sequence of genes.

What is the significance of noncoding DNA to DNA identification?

the significance of noncoding DNA to DNA identification is to drive main evoloutionary changes like the developement of unique human parts

How are the instructions coded by DNA translated into physical features?

genes code for all the proteins that the organism makesnoncoding sequences outside the genes provide control switches to enable/disable genes at appropriate times in the organism's lifeother noncoding sequences outside the genes may perform other functions that we do not yet understand

What is the noncoding segement of a gene are cut out of an mRNA transcript?


What is removed from pre-mRNA during RNA processing?


What are base sequences in tRNA called?


What happens when mutation occurs in a noncoding region?

The mutation will generally have no efect