

What are pig's symbiotic relationships?

Updated: 6/16/2024
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11y ago

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the answer is yes.aftern the guinea pigs returned from mare,scientist discoverd that the guinea pigs became,infact,symbiotic.

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1mo ago

Pigs have symbiotic relationships with gut bacteria that help with digestion and nutrient absorption. They also engage in mutualistic relationships with certain bird species that pick parasites off their bodies, helping to keep them clean and healthy. Additionally, pigs can have symbiotic relationships with certain plant species through seed dispersal, as they consume the seeds and help them spread to new locations.

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Do sunflower sea stars have symbiotic relationships?

No, sunflower sea stars do not typically have symbiotic relationships. They are predatory creatures that feed on a variety of invertebrates and do not form long-term partnerships with other species.

Are symbiotic relationships part of an organisms niche explain?

Yes, symbiotic relationships can be part of an organism's niche. For example, a species may rely on a specific symbiotic partner for its survival or reproduction, which can influence the resources it uses and the habitat it occupies. The presence or absence of these symbiotic relationships can affect the organism's ability to thrive within its ecological niche.

What is the difference of symbiotic and non symbiotic relationship?

Symbiotic relationships involve two different species living closely together and benefiting from each other, such as in mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Non-symbiotic relationships do not involve this close interaction, and the species do not rely on each other for survival or benefit.

How do scientists think symbiotic relationships evolved?

Scientists believe that symbiotic relationships evolved through a process of co-evolution, where two species develop a relationship that benefits both of them. This can happen gradually over time as each species adapts to the presence of the other, leading to mutually beneficial interactions that enhance their survival and reproduction. The specific mechanisms through which symbiotic relationships evolved vary depending on the species involved and the nature of their interaction.

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Algae and cyanobacteria are the protists that form symbiotic relationships with fungi in lichens. These photosynthetic organisms provide nutrients to the fungi, while the fungi offer protection and structure to the protists, leading to a mutually beneficial relationship within the lichen structure.

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