a symbiotic relationship is one in which either one or both organisms require the relationship. In a non symbiotic relationship, neither require it.
Symbiotic relationships involve two different species living closely together and benefiting from each other, such as in mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. Non-symbiotic relationships do not involve this close interaction, and the species do not rely on each other for survival or benefit.
Mycorrhizae are symbiotic relationships between the roots of plants and fungi that act as extensions of the root system. The fungi supply the plant with certain nutrients, and the plant in turn supplies the fungi with carbohydrates.
Mutualism is the relationship in which both species benefit from the interaction. It is a type of symbiotic relationship where both organisms gain advantages such as protection, food, or other resources.
Parasitism because the snake puts venomous material into the mouse which makes that die but the snake benefits.
Mutualism is a type of symbiotic relationship that benefits both species involved. In this relationship, both species gain benefits from each other, such as food, protection, or support.
The relationship between bees and flowers is symbiotic, as the bees benefit from the nectar and pollen while aiding in pollination for the flowers.
A non-symbiotic relationship is one where both parties are not benefiting equally from the relationship. There are different types of non-symbiotic relationships, including parasitism, which is where one party takes from another without giving anything back.
A non-symbiotic relationship is one where both parties are not benefiting equally from the relationship. There are different types of non-symbiotic relationships, including parasitism, which is where one party takes from another without giving anything back.
A symbiotic relationship is a relationship between 2 organisms. Socialism is a form of government.
I need a symbiotic relationship with the PORPOISE..
One symbiotic relationship is cactus and lizard
The symbiotic relationship is mutualism
A symbiotic relationship is where two or more different species live together to the mutal benefit of each other. A chameleon's ability to change color depending on its surroundings is an adaptation, not a symbiotic relationship. If it were a symbiotic relationship, that would mean that the chameleon would have a symbiotic relationship with a tree, but it would also have a symbiotic relationship with the sidewalk. It just doesn't work.
Sheep and cows don't have a symbiotic relationship.
The symbiotic relationship between the mistletoe and the spruce is parasitism.
the symbiotic relationship between malaria and people is parasitism
A parasitic relationship, which you describe, is not symbiotic. A symbiotic relationship is one which is beneficial to both entities.
They have no symbiotic relationship, ticks are parasiteson warm blooded animals!