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Q: What are scattered throughout the cell and control release of energy from food to form ATP?
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What is scattered throughout a cell and controls the release of energy from food?

The mitochondria is the power plant of the cell. It takes the energy from food, and converts it into ATP, which is then used more readily as energy by the cell. As such, it only produces the ATP as needed.

What is the generator of the cell?

Plasma Membrane- External boundary of the cell- Confines cell contents; regulates entry and exit of materials Lysosomes- Scattered in cytoplasm- Digest ingested materials and worn-out organelles Mitochondrion- Scattered throughout the cell- Control release of energy from food; from ATP Microvilli- Projections of the plasma membrane- Increase the membrane surface area Golgi apparatus- Near the nucleus ( in the cytoplasm )- Packages proteins to be incorporated into the plasma membrane or lysosomes or exported from the cell

What are enzymes that control the release of energy ae found in?

Enzymes that control the release of energy are found in the mitochondria. Mitochondria's are also known as the power house of the cells.

What part of the cell is a major site of ATP synthesis and is scattered throughout the cell?

In a cell that is respiring aerobically (i.e. using oxygen), the mitochondria are the site of most ATP production.They are scattered through the cytoplasm, but tend to concentrate where the cell requires energy.

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What is the same thing between respiration and burning?

Both are about the release of energy but respiration is about the controlled release of energy.

What is the meaning of generalized cell?

Plasma Membrane- External boundary of the cell- Confines cell contents; regulates entry and exit of materials Lysosomes- Scattered in cytoplasm- Digest ingested materials and worn-out organelles Mitochondrion- Scattered throughout the cell- Control release of energy from food; from ATP Microvilli- Projections of the plasma membrane- Increase the membrane surface area Golgi apparatus- Near the nucleus ( in the cytoplasm )- Packages proteins to be incorporated into the plasma membrane or lysosomes or exported from the cell

What types of snacks should a sporty person eat?

Things that would give them enough protein and energy so they can release the energy slowly throughout the day.

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Enzyme that control the release of energy?

The answer is 100% MITOCHONDRIA. I am a former Biology teacher so if anyone knows, its me. ;)

Enzymes that control the release of energy are found in the?

if i know i would gladly tell you but i don't know sorry !