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A human being has two eyes for several reasons:

1. To have a wider screen of vision.

2. To focus properly on any one subject.

3. Each of the two eyes works as a backup to the other one.

4. To see the world around in 3-dimensions.

5. For safety reasons.
So we can are brain can tell how far things are away from us. That is called stereoscopic vision. Two eyes enable stereo vision. By having two separate images, it is possible for the brain to work out distance. This is useful for hunting and escaping from danger.
All vertebrates have two eyes (there is a sort of symmetry of most bodily organs either side of the plane of the backbone). Humans being vertebrates share this symmetry (although the heart and the digestive tract are not symmetric) and therefore have two eyes.

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15y ago

All living beings have two eyes. But their placement varies depending on the purpose to which they are meant. Human beings have their eyes in front, separated by about 2.5". The two eyes together cover about 1600 in the horizontal direction. Because of their horizontal separation, each eye sees a slightly different picture of the scene in front. When we look at an object at a finite distance - say 25', the axes of the two eyes converge (to cross) at 25'. All objects lying within and beyond this distance are seen as double. The farther these objects, the greater their aparant separation. Those within 25' and beyond 25' are separated in opposite direction. The object at 25' distance is only perceived as a single object. From this aparant separation of other objects, the brain judges the different distances of the objects in front of us. In other words, we see a 3 diamentional picture. Since the parallax is limited to 2.5 inches only, the maximum distance we can judge is about 150'. For objects beyond this distance, this 2.5" separation is negligible and does not introduce any parallax. In case when we are moving, as while travelling in a train, the effect of this interrocular separation in judging the distances can be easily seen. When we look at a finite distance object, say a house, all objects within this obect will appear to move in opposite direction to that of our movement. the nearer obects appearing to move faster. Objects beyond this object will appear to move along with us, again the aparant speed of movement (along with us) increasing with the distance. Objects very far away - say like the moon - will have the maximum movement. i.e. they will appear to move with us. Other than providing a stereoscopic image, the two eyes together encrease the horizontal angle of view. Obviously, the 3D vision is limited to the areas where the two eyes overlap. Moreover the clarity of vision is improved with two eyes when looking at near obects, like while reading.

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15y ago

we can judge the distances between our eyes and the object more appropiately and, objects can be measured from different angles. The advantage of a proper colour vision also counts for us(the mammals) of having 2 eyes.....

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13y ago

The same reason humans have have two eye for prefrial vision. Plus that's how they were made and to see if their going to be attack there is more space you can see. Also close one eye you can't see the other side of you and from generations the two eyes have just been pasted down

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12y ago

Binocular vision helps you determine the distance between objects.
Provides three-dimensional vision and an accurate means of locating objects in space. (Marieb, Mitchell)
you can estimate the distance of something
It helps you determine depth. (how far away something is.)

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because with binocular vision you have depth perception.

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to see both side

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